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Ulovlig pokerspill


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Huff ja... De skal jo legge forbud på mye rart...


Jeg kan ærlig talt ikke se problemet med slike spill.


Dessuten får jo staten 28% skatt av all gevinst over kr 10.000,- pr. spill.


Huff of huff...

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Er innom Oddmund Grøttes side jevnlig, han har en bra kommentar på dette.


The end of online poker for Norwegians?


According to several news agencies this morning, the parliament is ready to make online poker abroad illegal for Norwegians.


Again, the politicians are trying to stop what tens of thousands Norwgians do voluntarily in their leisure. The moral behind such a law is horrible, but considering that this law is basically impossible to survey by the police makes it even more ridicilous. No wonder the police cant cope with the work burden when playing online poker abroad will be a crime. At the same time, the state owned lottery, Norsk Tipping, will have a monopoly for gambling (and my understanding is that online poker will be legal as long as it is offered by Norsk Tipping). Sad state of affairs.

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