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Aksjeforumet the Winning Team!


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Godt Nytt 2008 forumvenner!


Starter opp med en ny aksjekonkurranse for spesiellt interesserte


Bruk info under for å registrere dere.



Game ID: Aksjeforumet_2008


Game Password: aksjeforumet2008


Open this link and read the competition summary:


Click on the 'Join Game' link.

If you are an existing Virtual Stock Exchange member, enter your Email address and Password in the login panel and get set to trade. If you are a new user, follow the link to register - it's easy!

Follow the instructions and start trading!

Join now, and see if you can win my Aksjeforumet the Winning Team competition! The more participants the higher the level of competition. Can you master the market?


Lykke til! :cool:



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