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Soros venter "double-dip"

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Ann Barnhardt: The Entire Futures/Options Market Has Been Destroyed by the MF Global Collapse (originally aired 12/01/11)


Ann Barnhardt: The Financial System House of Cards Is Ready to Topple



Hu her kan virkelig kalle en spade for en spade! Det værste er at hun er mer troverdig enn politikerne og rettssystemet. Hun vil ikke la klientene sine i stikken i et korrupt system som beviselig stjeler pengene deres (selv når de bare ligger på "bok"), og legger derfor ned meglerhuset sitt.


Situasjonen virker å være på kanten av stupet. Har trua på litt mer oppgang i januar før vi velter over i solid bjørneterreng. Må jo ha en troverdig bulltrap før "the shit hits the famous blades rotating faster and faster" :dry:

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As we've noted for years, the entire strategy of Washington towards the economy is to cover up the fraud which caused the financial crisis ... even though prosecuting fraud and re-establishing the rule of law is the only way to get out of this depression.



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Forget Greece; it’s Portugal that’ll destroy euro


" While the Greek government borrowed a lot of money, and mostly wasted it, Greek consumers and companies were relatively restrained. Not the Portuguese. According to figures from the Bank of International Settlements, total Portuguese debt amounts to 479% of GDP (compared with 296% for Greece). That comes to 783 billion euros, compared with 703 billion euros for Greece "

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Oversikt over statsgjeld.... både i euro og prosent av GDP


Portugal er spådd å være neste land som vil ha forhandlinger om hvor store tap investorene skal ta og mange frykter at forhandlingsresultatet fra Hellas vil bli modellen i Portugal også.


Investorene er nå redd for at tapene i Hellas blir opp mot 70 prosent og at de dermed må ta like store prosentvise tap i Portugal.


Den portugisiske gjelden er "bare" på det halve av den greske, men tapene for investorene vil uansett komme på toppen av de greske tapene. Usikkerhet rundt om forhandlingene med de private investorene i Hellas fører frem, og hva eventuelt resultatet blir, sender forsikringspremien opp for flere europeiske land mandag.



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Historier om økonomisk krise: Evig vekst

Dokumentarserie. Økonomien er et globalt puslespill der bitene er spredd over hele verden. Ved å følge en persons daglige strev med å blir litt rikere, kommer serien til å illustrere hvor hver bit hører til. Temaene er boligmarkedet, verdiskaping, kreditt, konkurs, råvarer, børs, valuta og bobler. (2:8)


Tilgjengelig til 13.03.2012, kun i Norge.






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Denne er enda mer tydelig, om boligkrisen i USA og Irland:



Historier om økonomisk krise: Boligmarkedet 1:8

Dokumentarserie. Økonomien er et globalt puslespill der bitene er spredd over hele verden. Ved å følge en persons daglige strev med å blir litt rikere, kommer serien til å illustrere hvor hver bit av det økonomiske puslespillet hører til. Først skal det handle om boligmarkedet, der finanskrisen startet. Kommentar: Olav Njaastad.(1:8)


Tilgjengelig til 06.03.2012, kun i Norge.



Informativ serie som forklarer ting på en rolig, grei og oversiktlig måte.

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Kaller en spade for en spade i det udemokratiske og uvalgte Europa Parliamentet


Outspoken and oracular MEP Nigel Farage bombards his fellow unelected officials with 'you can't handle the truth' comments as he points out the total contradiction that is the European Parliament's (and 'Puppet Papademos') view of how things are going in their democracy relative to the reality of a TROIKA-ordered coup forced on the man in the street. Greece is being driven further and further into chaos and as he implores his peers: "If they don't get the Drachma back, you will be responsible for something truly truly horrible!".

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Guest Post: When Debt Is More Important Than People, The System Is Evil

The ethics of debt, at least in the officially sanctioned media, boils down to: nobody made them borrow all those euros, and so their suffering is just desserts.


What's lost in this subtext is the responsibility of the lender. The potential for loss and actually bearing the consequences from irresponsible extensions of credit was unacceptable to the banking cartel, so they rewrote the laws.

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MF Global may well be just the tip of the iceberg on what still awaits us.


...Remember earlier in this article I stated that one of the purposes of the ISDA is to determine if a "credit event" is actually a default? If a "credit event" is declared to be a default, then Credit Default Swap (CDS) contracts come into play. Think about this, the very same banks that would have to pay the claims by those who bought these contracts, are in the position of determining if a "credit event" is really a default. All the banks have to do is to NOT declare any default and they do not have to pay! If they did have to pay, and then the house of cards would collapse.


...However, MF Global thought that they had risk-free speculation because they had bought these CDS from these big banks to protect themselves in case their bets on European Debt went bad. MF Global should have been protected by its CDS, but since the ISDA would not declare the Greek "credit event" to be a default, MF Global could not cover its losses, causing its collapse.

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"It turns out that not only will Greece not see a single penny from the Second Greek bailout, whose entire Use of Proceeds will be limited to funding debt interest and maturity payments, but the country will actually have to fund said escrow!


You read that right: the Greek bailout #2 is nothing but a Greek-funded bailout of Europe's insolvent banks... and the Greek constitution is about to be changed to reflect this!


Congratulations Greece - you just got royally raped by your own unelected rulers and you didn't even know it."

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