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NORMAN - Norman Antivirus


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Jeg fant ikke noe topic om Norman, ganske utrolig siden det er et av de sikreste (pun intended) IT selskapene på oslo børs... :)





13.04.2005 08:10


Norman`s profit doubled


Norman ASA had a growth in net revenues of 20 per cent in

the first quarter 2005. Profit before tax more than

doubled.The company achieved net revenues of NOK 56,2

million in the first quarter compared to NOK 46,7 million

in the same quarter last year. EBITDA for the first quarter

was NOK 8,9 million, compared to NOK 4 million last year.

As a result, the EBITDA margin for the period rose from 8

per cent to 16 per cent.


Norman`s profit doubled


Norman ASA had a growth in net revenues of 20 per cent in

the first quarter 2005. Profit before tax more than



Norman ASA achieved net revenues of NOK 56,2 million in the

first quarter compared to NOK 46,7 million in the same

quarter last year. EBITDA for the first quarter was NOK 8,9

million, compared to NOK 4 million last year. As a result,

the EBITDA margin for the period rose from 8 per cent to 16

per cent.


Profit before tax for the quarter was NOK 8,2 million

compared to 3,1 million last year, while earnings per share

was NOK 0,52 compared to NOK 0,36 first quarter last year.


All figures are reported in accordance with IFRS.


The market for antivirus products and services has

developed positively during the first three months of 2005.

The number of new virus attacks is increasing, even though

there has been no significant highly spreading or highly

damaging viruses in the first quarter.


In the first quarter Norman grew net revenues in Europe

outside of Norway by 27 per cent (31 per cent adjusted for

changes in currency exchange rates). Norway had a marginal

increase in net revenues which proves that Norman`s market

position in Norway is stable. Norway represents now less

than one fourth of Norman`s total revenues.


The increase in net revenues comes mainly from stable

growth from Norman`s 1.700 resellers. At the same time net

revenues from OEM contracts increased and two new OEM

contracts were signed in first quarter 2005. The revenue

from partnership with computer manufacturers and other

software companies is steadily increasing. Norman`s revenue

growth is therefore based on several different sales

channels, in line with the company`s strategy.


The Norman Sandbox Technology stopped a significant number

of new viruses in the first quarter and proved its position

as the leader in proactive protection against new unknown



During the first quarter the company released a new major

version of Norman Virus Control and some of the relating




Financial situation and future expectations


Norman`s financial position is solid. The company has no

interest-bearing debt and have a significant cash flow.

Norman increased its cash position by NOK 8 million to NOK

79 million during the first quarter adjusted for payment of

extraordinary dividend of NOK 39,7 million in January.


The growing number of new viruses is expected to continue

and at the same time the virus authors are writing new

damaging viruses faster than before. The need for next

generation of virus protection seems to be evident, which

strengthens the position for the company and its Sandbox

Technology. Norman will continue to extend its market by

entering into strategic alliances, as well as extending its

distribution network.


The company expects good growth and profitability to




Enclosed is a summary of the profit and loss account and

the balance sheet for the first quarter 2005.

For further information, please contact CEO Henning Hansen

(Tel: + 47 6710 9717, Mobile: +47 908 81 192)

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13.04.2005 15:34


Norman ASA today launched an Investor Relations WebTV

service on their website.


The WebTV service contains webcasts, interviews and other

video presentation material from the company.


Norman WebTV can be found at



The WebTV is part of Norman`s ongoing effort to provide the

market with the best possible information about the company.


Norman WebTV

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  • 1 month later...

Ny avtale med Fujitsu Siemens

Av TDN Finans


Norman har inngått avtale med Fujitsu Siemens om å integrere selskapets brannmur og antivirus-program i Fujitsu Siemens datamaskiner for forbrukermarkedet. Avtalen gjelder for tre år.


Det opplyses i en børsmelding onsdag.


Fujitsu Siemens Nordic har tidligere hatt en lignende avtale med Norman. Avtalen utvides nå til også å gjelde Fujistu Siemens i Europa, Midt-Østen og Afrika, og gir brukerne muligheten til å installere andre Norman-produkter.


Avtalen gir ifølge Norman mulighet til millioner av nye Norman-brukere.

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Norman med som partner i Cisco's Network Admission Control Program !


Norman har inngått partnerskap med Cisco Systems. Avtalen innebærer at Norman sine antivirusprodukter vil få support for Ciscos Network Admission Control Program (NAC). Samarbeidet vil gi sikrere infrastruktur ved at bare sikkerhetsklarerte klienter vil få adgang til bedriftsnettverkene.


Avtalen innebærer at Normans antivirus produkter integreres i Cisco’s "Trust Agent" som har til hensikt å sjekke sikkerhetsstatusen til hver enkelt nettverksklient. Dersom profilen til den som søker nettverksaksess ikke oppfyller NACs adgangskrav, vil klienten bli satt i karantene og midlertidig nektes adgang til nettverket. Alternativt vil den automatisk oppdateres til riktig sikkerhetsnivå, for så å slippe inn i nettverket.


For Normans kunder vil kombinasjonen med Norman antivirus program og Ciscos selvforsvarsnettverk høyne sikkerheten og være med på å redusere risikoen og kostnader forårsaket av virus, trojanere og annen ondsinnet kode. Med opp til 1000 nye virus hver dag som er på jakt etter sikkerhetshull i bedrifters nettverk, er det viktig at klienten har de siste sikkerhetsoppdateringer og at det finnes kontrollsystemer for dette.


- Vi opplever stor interesse for ytterligere å sikre nettverk og klienter mot angrep fra virus og ormer. Som en av flere løsninger har Cisco etablert programmet Network Admission Control, for å sikre at servere og klienter er oppdatert med blant annet siste versjon av antivirussignaturfiler før de får tilgang til nettverket. Det er derfor svært gledelig å få en ledende leverandør som Norman med i programmet, sier markedssjef Nils Ove Gamlem i Cisco Systems Norge.


- Ciscos løsninger er utbredt innenfor bedrifter med store nettverk, Internet Service Providere (ISPer), banker og andre online-institusjoner. Slike kontrollmekanismer som bidrar til å redusere risikoen for kundene, er bra. For Norman er dette et viktig tiltak for å gjøre hverdagen enda sikrere for kunder som benytter Ciscos infrastruktur. Dette er bare første trinn på veien i et større samarbeid om økt nettverkssikkerhet for de av våre kunder som benytter Ciscos nettverksprodukter, sier administrerende direktør Henning Hansen i Norman ASA.


NAC-støtten vil bli en integrert del av Norman Virus Control. Eksisterende kunder vil få NAC-støtte som en oppgradering til sine eksisterende antivirusløsninger fra Norman.

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31.05.05 09:49



The Norway based data security company Norman ASA, has

signed a non-disclosed OEM agreement with a leading IT

manufacturer. According to the contract, the company will

offer Norman`s antivirus scanner engine included the unique

SandBox technology integrated as part of their offerings.





The contract will give revenue of approximately 1 million

Euros for the first 12 months.


Norman has on several occasions pointed out that the

licensing potential for its technology and especially the

Norman SandBox is very attractive. SandBox is now sold

through OEM arrangements by several licensees in North

America and Europe.


This is yet another confirmation that not only the

customers, but also the IT industry regards Norman`s

SandBox as the leading technology in terms of proactive

virus protection, says Norman`s President and CEO, Henning



Traditional virus protection is based on a process where

the security company has to identify a new virus and then

prepare an antidote. With new viruses emerging at a growing

speed and spreading rapidly, the traditional process of

developing security solutions and upgrading computers

becomes too slow. The main challenge for the data security

industry is therefore to offer a solution that stops both

known and unknown viruses proactive virus protection.


This is the area where Norman is the proven technology




For further information, please contact


Henning Hansen, CEO, telephone +47 9088 1192

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  • 7 months later...


25.01.2006 07:40


Near doubled results for Norman


The data security company Norman increased total

revenue by 14 per cent to NOK 231 million in

2005. The preliminary accounts show that the

company`s result almost doubled last year. Pre

tax profit ended at NOK 34.7 million, compared to

NOK 17.9 million in 2004.


Near doubled results for Norman


The data security company Norman increased total

revenue by 14 per cent to NOK 231 million in

2005. The preliminary accounts show that the

company`s result almost doubled last year. Pre

tax profit ended at NOK 34.7 million, compared to

NOK 17.9 million in 2004.


Norman achieved an EBITDA of NOK 38.0 million

last year, representing an EBITDA margin of 16

per cent. In 2004, the EBITDA was NOK 21.1

million, a margin of 10 per cent. Earnings per

share for 2005 were NOK 2.22, compared to NOK

1.80 the previous year.


Norman enjoyed good profitability also in the

fourth quarter of 2005. Revenue in the quarter

was NOK 62.5 million, a 7 per cent increase over

the same period the previous year. EBITDA was NOK

10.2 million in the fourth quarter, compared to

NOK 2.7 million the year before. This corresponds

to an EBITDA margin of 16 per cent, compared to 5

per cent in the fourth quarter of 2004. Pre tax

profit was NOK 9.3 million in the fourth quarter

last year, compared to NOK 1.8 million in the

same period of 2004.


Norman`s revenue growth is primarily generated in

Europe outside of Norway. This market now

represents 70 per cent of total turnover, while

the Norwegian market accounts for 24 per cent.


The threats facing computer users are an

increasing challenge. The emergence of new

computer viruses is continuing and the virus

attacks are becoming more rapid and

sophisticated. Also, the number of new threats

like spyware and phishing (identity theft) on the

Internet is increasing.


Norman enjoys a continued good profitability. In

order to strengthen the company`s position in

2006, more resources will be allocated to

research and development. Next generation Norman

security products and additional new products

will be launched medio 2006. Hence, the company

will be able to address a larger market in

addition to the SME segment, which has been the

company`s main market.


In November, Trygve Aasland succeeded Henning

Hansen as Norman`s President and Chief Executive



Norman`s financial position is strong. The

company has no interest bearing debt and enjoys a

positive cash flow. During 2005, Norman generated

NOK 30.6 million in cash from its operations. In

the fourth quarter, the company bought own shares

at NOK 8.8 million. Total cash at the end of 2005

was NOK 83.5.


The company had 183 employees at the end of 2005,

compared to 164 employees at the end of the

previous year.


The internal changes now taking place, together

with increased R&D and more efficient sales

efforts on existing and new products are expected

to contribute positively in 2006. At the same

time, new security threats are expected to

trigger even more demand for Norman`s state-of-

the-art security software. Norman is in a good

position to develop growth and profitability.





Enclosed is a summary of the profit and loss

account and the balance sheet for the fourth

quarter 2005. For further information, please

contact Chairman of the board Svein Ramsay Goli

(+47 9075 6757) or CEO Trygve Aasland (+ 47 6710

9717 or +47 4153 9717).


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Hva er det som skjer med Norman. Eller rettere sagt ikke skjer? Til tross for gode resultater omsettes det lite eller ingen aksjer (det var vel 0 omsetning i dag). Trenger vi en ny verdensomspennende virusspredning (som den som er spådd til Fredag) for at det skal blir fart i sakene?

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Ikke godt å si, Telford. Symantec slapp tall i USA idag, under forventingene og gikk ned 5% på den rapporten. Nå kjenner ikke jeg til guidingen osv. men virusanslagene det siste året har som kjent vært avtagende.


Spørs vel om Norman stiger på dette imorgen. :huh:

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In a transaction executed 3 February 2006, funds under the

discretionary management of Laxcy Partners Limited

purchased 176,600 shares in Norman ASA - New at a price of

NOK 55 per share.


Following this transaction, holdings in Norman ASA - New

totalled 643,850 shares, equal to 6.08% of the share




Er dette bra eller dårlig?

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Se det! "Han rør på seg". Opp 1,36%, omsatt til 55,75 med hele 400 aksjer :P


"Aksjen tester støtten ved ca 55.00 kr, noe som kan gi en reaksjon opp. " i flg Investtech + RSI på 34 virker ikke helt håpløst for et selskap som kan vise til gode resultater. Men nå kan jeg desverre alt for lite om TA.

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