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FRID - Frigstad Discoverer Invest


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Dette selskapet, uten dominerende eiere, kan raskt bli kjøpt opp... Det har heller ikke tatt del i den siste oppgangen. Dette gjør det til en relativt god bett.


13/03-2006 08:57:58: FRID - Nytt selskap – Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd - registrert på OTC - listen

Det er med virkning fra 13. mars 2006 lagt inn et nytt selskap på OTC-listen – Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd. Ticker: FRID. ISIN: VGG 3724W1014. Emisjonsverdien er satt til NOK 1.426.740.000,- basert på siste emisjonskurs 6. mars 2006 på NOK 66,36 (USD 10,-). Antall aksjer utstedt av selskapet er 21,5 millioner. Selskapet har inngått avtale om bruk av meldingssystemet og vil kunne benytte dette fra og med 13. mars 2006.


Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd. har som virksomhet å bygge, eie og drive en 6. generasjons borerigg. Boreriggen skal bygges ved Yantai Raffles skipsverft i Kina. Selskapet har også opsjon på bygging av ytterligere tre borerigger ved samme verft. Hovedgründer for Frigstad Discovererr Invest Ltd. er Harald Frigstad som vil være CEO i selskapet. Hovedkontoret ligger i Singapore.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alt går etter planen. Perla vokser...


30/08-2006 13:31:04: Frigstad Discoverer Invest: First six months and second quarter of 2006

Singapore 30th August 2006: Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd is a company focused on the construction, ownership and operation of ultra-deepwater semi-submersible drilling rigs. The company is building one 6th generation ultra-deepwater semisubmersible drilling rig at the Yantai Raffles Shipyard (YRS) for delivery during the first half of 2009, and has further options for three more new builds at fixed yard prices.


Summary first six months

* Construction of "SS Frigstad Oslo" is running according to plan

* The equity and convertible bond subscription was completed 3rd March 2006.

* Entered into agreement with Aker Kværner MH for drilling system to "SS Frigstad Oslo"

* Secured several other agreements for Owner Furnished Equipment (OFE)

* The organization has been further strengthened

* Continued strong market for drilling services


Ekstern link: http://www.netfonds.no/news/nfmf/20060830/FDIL_Q206.pdf

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På tide å få opp øynene folkens...


07/09-2006 11:54:15: Frigstad Discoverer Invest: Presentation from the Pareto Conference

Please find the presentation held by Frigstad Discoverer Invest Thursday September 7, 2006, at the Pareto Oil & Offshore seminar enclosed.


Ekstern link: http://www.netfonds.no/news/nfmf/20060907/...906_%286%29.pdf

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FRIGSTAD har dypvannsrigg klar for boring første halvdel 2009...


Mexico statsoljeselskap vil bore på dypere vann.



Positive riggprognoser

Venter dypvannsfest for Fredriksen

Mot oppkjøpsboom i riggbransjen


Av Arne Lunde Det meksikanske statsoljeselskapet Pemex ønsker nå å bore på dypere vann. Ifølge oljeavisen Upstream jobber Pemex nå med anbudsdokumenter for tre dypvannsrigger for lange kontrakter.


NA24 - din næringslivsavis


- Om en måned til vil vi sende ut anbud på tre rigger, sier direktør Carlos Morales Gil for letedivisjonen til statsoljeselskapet Pemex til Upstream.


Gil sier at det er snakk om femtegenerasjonsrigger som enten kan være nybygg eller eksisterende enheter. Han opplyser til upstream at Oemex ønsker kontrakter på tre til fem år, men ser at riggselskapene signaliserer at de vil ha kontrakter lenger enn tre år.


NA24 iMarkedet snakket med en rekke aktører under Pareto Securities olje- og offshorekonferanse denne uken, og det forventes et rotterace blant oljeselskapene for å sikre seg dypvannsriggene som enten kommer av kontrakt eller fra beddinger i Asia denne høsten.


Pemex ønsker å ha rigger på plass fra andre kvartal 2008, men det kan bli vanskelig sett i forhold til de enhetene som blir tilgjengelige gjennom 2008. Det er John Fredriksens SeaDrill som kontrollerer brorparten av dypvannsriggene som levere i 2008.


SeaDrill sikret seg torsdag den første kontrakten til nybyggene som kommer i 2008.

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  • 4 months later...



Enda oljeprisen har hatt en nedtur, så anbefaler jeg dere å ta en titt på en av de kanskje mest undervurderte riggaksjene på børsen - OTC-lista...


CMD - Presentasjon i dag

Ekstern link: http://www.netfonds.no/news/nfmf/20070111/070111_NFF_.pdf


Sjefen selv kjøper aksjer

08/01-2007 16:04:50: Insider purchases shares in Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd (FRID - OTC Oslo)


Ekstern link: http://HF Holdings Ltd, controlled by Harald Frigstad, CEO of Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd, has purchased 25,000 shares in the company at a price of NOK 37. After this purchase Frigstad and related parties own 188,000 shares in addition to 600,000 options in t

Ekstern link: http://Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd has 21.5 million shares issued and outstanding.

Ekstern link: http://For further information please contact; Harald Frigstad, CEO +65 967 57306, or Bjørn C Jacobsen, CFO +47 41177900.

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Er det noen her som følger rigg-selskapet FRIGSTAD; det må være en av de mest undervurderte aksjene på OTC-lista...


Ble verdsatt til over 66 kroner aksjen i april 06.

Selges nå til 33 kroner aksjen.


Enda de har hatt en overskridelse og forsinkelse, ja så bør ikke det forklare nedgangen...


Ledelsen har kjøpt, riggaksjene har gått opp mye siden april, en svært, svært åpen aksjonærstruktur gjør at selskapet ligger åpent for friere; jeg skjønner ikke at ikke noen har prøvd seg da Investeringsbankene nok selger raskt...


Aksjer er en risikosport, men jeg kan ikke skjønne annet enn at Frigstad er en god "bet".




Tomra, Repant og Frigstad aksjonær...


























Number of share-holders: 20

Number of shares: 17733430

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Innsiderne har trua, har du?


02/02-2007 08:58:56: Insider purchases shares in Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd (FRID - OTC Oslo)

Frigstad Discoverer Invest CTO Paal Norheim has on 1 February 2007 purchased 3,200 shares in the company at NOK 31 per share.


After this transaction, Mr. Norheim owns 3,200 shares and 75,000 share options in Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd.


For further information, please contact:

Harald Frigstad, CEO, founder and director, cell. +65 96757306

Bjørn C Jacobsen, CFO, cell +47 41177900

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Mer innsidekjøp og finansieringa er foreløpig på plass, og markedet strammer seg til...


Ingen ledige rigger


100 prosent av de flytende riggene i verden er opptatt.


Relaterte artikler

- Bulkratene stiger - Har ståltro på Sevan Marine

- Riggselskap konkurs - Analytiker: - Veldig sterke TGS-tall



Administrerende direktør Per Terje Vold i OLF uttalte på Offshore Strategikonferansen denne uken at det for første gang er 100 prosent utnyttelse av tilgjengelige flytere i verden.

- 13 nye rigger bygges nå ifølge Fearnley Offshore og de kan jobbe i Norge, men allerede syv av dem har kontrakter utenfor Norge. Av de resterende seks-syv som har potensiale til å komme til Norge, erfarer Fearnley at antakeligvis to til tre - i bestefall fire - vil ende opp i Norge og løse opp noe av det stramme riggmarkedet vi har i dag, sa Vold ifølge DN Energi i sitt foredrag.

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Gode "nyheter"...


22/02-2007 14:52:15: FRID: Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd - Marketing Update

The semi-submersible rig "SS Frigstad Oslo" is currently being markedet for work in all the ultra deepwater areas of the world except for the North Atlantic area which is not a main target area for the rig. Presentations of the company and the rig have been given to several potential clients, with positive and strong interest. There are several upcoming work opportunities in the market which will be pursued. The first of these is upcoming work in Mexico for drilling to water depths of 10.000 feet.


Pemex recently opened tenders for several categories of offshore rigs. Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd (Frigstad) offered its ultra deepwater rig "SS Frigstad Oslo" for the 10.000 feet water depth category. The company that presented the second bid in this category was Triton Drilling Mexico LLC with the Transocean Drillship "DS Deepwater Millenium". The Frigstad offer has a fixed dayrate for the 5 year firm contract period, totalling to USD 999.840.000 including mobilization fee. The offer includes subjects to modify the contract terms and conditions. The offer from Frigstad was accepted by Pemex for further evaluation.


Frigstad CEO, Harald Frigstad, stated: "We are very pleased to learn that Pemex, Exploración y Producción (PEP) accepted our offer for further evaluation. We believe that we have a very good and highly capable drilling unit that would be suitable for PEP."


Frigstad Discoverer Invest is working on this project with support from the local Mexican drilling company Perforaciones y Servicios Central, S.A. de C.V.


For further information, please contact:

Bjørn C Jacobsen, CFO, cell +47 41177900

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Gode nyheter.





Oslo Børs har mottatt søknad fra Frigstad Discoverer Invest

Ltd. om opptak av selskapets aksjer til notering.

Det følger av børsforskriften § 5-1 at anvendelsesområde

for informasjonsplikt gjelder for selskaper som er notert

og har søkt notering. Informasjonsplikten etter reglene i

børsforskriften vil fra og med i dag bli gjeldende for

Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd.




Navn: Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd.

Ticker: FRID

ISIN: VGG 3724W1014Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.asp?melding_ID=145738

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Flere nyheter:


1 En dårlig...

28/02-2007 14:49:24: FRID: Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd - Pemex Offer Update

As previously communicated Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd (Frigstad) offered its ultra deepwater rig "SS Frigstad Oslo" against a contract in Mexico for drilling to water depths of 10.000 feet.


As expected, and in accordance with Mexican law, Pemex could not accept the commercial and contractual exemptions included in the offer from Frigstad.


As there apparently are no accepted offers for the 10.000 feet water depth category, Frigstad will continue to be in close contact with Pemex to further monitor their actions going forward.


In addition there are several upcoming work opportunities in the market, which will be pursued.


For further information, please contact:

Harald Frigstad, CEO, cell +65 967 57306

Bjørn C Jacobsen, CFO, cell +47 41177900


2 Litt vel sent med denne...

28/02-2007 00:44:32: Frigstad Discoverer Invest 4Q06 Analyst/Investor presentation

FDIL will host an analyst/investor presentation at 8:00am Thursday 1 March 2007 at Shippingklubben in Oslo. The address is Haakon VII gt. 1, 9th floor, room: Leseværelset.

Presentation will be held by CEO Harald Frigstad and CFO Bjørn C Jacobsen.


3 Info.

28/02-2007 00:29:12: Frigstad Discoverer Invest

British Virgin Islands, 27th February 2007:

Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd. ("FDIL" and the "Company") today announced its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year 2006 and updated its financial guidance and project status outlook. As such, the following is conditioned by reference to the forward looking statement disclaimer contained at the end of this release.


Please find the full report attached.


Ekstern link: http://www.netfonds.no/news/nfmf/20070228/...ess_Release.pdf

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Frigstad trenger ikke penger


- Vi har nok penger, sier finansdirektør Bjørn Jacobsen i Frigstad Discoverer Invest.



Artikkel av: Odd Steinar Parr (15.3.07 11:43)


Riggselskapet Frigstad Discoverer Invest vil ikke hente inn noen penger i forbindelse med en evt. børsnotering, melder Reuters.


- Vi har nok penger, sier finansdirektør Bjørn Jacobsen.


I tillegg til den halvt nedsenkbare riggen som er under bygging i Kina, Frigstad Oslo, har Frigstad opsjoner på bygging av ytterligere to rigger, men det er ikke tatt noen beslutning på om de skal erklæres.


- Så for en rigg har vi nok egenkapital. I 2007 vil vi fokusere videre på prosessen med bygging av denne riggen, fortsetter Jacobsen overfor nyhetsbyrået.


Og alt skal gå etter planen med riggen som skal være ferdig i september 2009.

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First med ny analyse av Frigstad, chistle, ser du følger selskapet: :smile:


Frigstad Discoverer Invest


Buy (Repeated) Analysis Risk factors reduced

After a “slow” start we see several positive developments for Frigstad Discoverer Invest. First the revised yard contract and delivery schedule should reduce the overall construc-tion risk in the project. Second, the completion of a USD 200m bond loan reduces the fi-nancial risk as well.


• Peer comparison with other new building companies (floaters) suggests a fair value of USD11/NOK70 per share (+75%). Relative to the current implied pricing of Frigstad this cor-responds to an upside (on EV basis) of ~USD 105m (after adjusting for time to market ef-fects). A stand alone DCF valuation, assuming an initial 4 years contract at current market levels after delivery (USD 500k/d) then USD350k/d thereafter, suggests a fair value of USD14.5/NOK 90 per share.


• More than 90% of the OFE equipment has now been ordered. The remaining part is for equipment outside the critical project path with relatively short lead times. In addition to a fa-vourable price on the drilling package (the world’s most powerful dual drilling package, 50.000ft drilling depth capacity) we highlight that the Frigstad budget cost includes a full 3000m (10.000ft) marine riser.


• The prospects for a prolonged upcycle for the ultra deepwater market continue to improve, and we note that only 12 out of 45 deepwater units under construction are without firm con-tract in hand.

Date of publication: 15/03/2007 Date for prices: 14/03/2007 Date for input-data: 15/03/2007Oil ServiceRating:


BuyTarget price: 70,1 NOK Price: 40,0 NOK


Ticker: FRID.OL Market capitalisation: 140 MUSDEnterprise value: 252 MUSDFully diluted no. of shares: 22M 05 February 2007



Equity Research


A “slow” start – but risk factors now reduced

A few months ago Frigstad reported that increased engineering requirements and delayed delivery of certain owner furnished design documentation would delay the delivery date of Frigstad Oslo (ultra deepwater semi sub, to be constructed at the Yantai yard, China) by 5 months (to late 3Q09) compared to the original schedule.


Frigstad also renegotiated the yard price which had increased by USD 11m, in addition to include a bonus incentive of USD 12m for on-time delivery. Last, the increased require-ment of the engineering / site team (due to extended construction period), along with minor upgrades and revised cost estimates for spare parts added another USD 21m to the budget cost.

The revised project cost (before further financing) now stands at USD 533m (up from USD 495m originally).


We do however emphasize that the project economics are attractive compared to initiating a similar projects from scratch today, even after the revision on project cost and delivery date. In the table above we indicate what seems to be the alternative cost in the market today. One data point supporting our figures is the price Odfjell Invest paid for utilising the option to build a new ultra deepwater semisub at the Daewoo yard a few weeks ago. The total construction cost was USD645 (excl financing) with delivery no later that end 2q10. The comparable price for the first units was USD598m (i.e. USD47m higher on the 2nd unit), and the price adjustment primarily reflects cost increase on main equipment (we es-timate that this corresponds to a 35-40% increase on main equipment since early 2006).


We also believe the revised delivery time on Frigstad Oslo improved the overall safety margin due to the following key issues;


• The revised delivery schedule allows for more time for engineering and planning prior to fabrication start and provides more buffers on delivery schedules of long lead items. Hence; the risk for change orders at a later stage should be lower.


• The Frigstad project management and site team have been strengthened over the last few months. The newly appointed Chief technical Officer, Mr Paal Nor-heim, is well respected in the offshore industry. He will now be responsible overall for project management (together with CEO Harald Frigstad). The yard site team now totals some 15 persons, and will be double this at peak. In addition a sepa-rate “equipment site team” is established in Kristiansand (Norway), where the drilling package is being fabricated (Aker MH).


• We also emphasize that all “critical” long lead items are from a limited number (4) of industry leading vendors. We believe this will make monitoring of these pack-ages easier.


• The yard itself has dedicated 50 engineers in the detail engineering phase of the Frigstad Oslo project.


• Lastly, the company has secured a USD 200m bond loan (2nd priority, 5 years, 11.5% interest). Including this bond loan the company has secured financing through 3q08. We believe a term contract will be in place well in advance of 3q08 2

Equity Research

Frigstad Discoverer Invest - 05 February 2007

(i.e. bank debt/additional bond to secure the funds required to fully finance the projects).

• Even if further delays or cost overruns cannot be ruled our we highlight that the current pricing already factors in substantially higher risk than in other new build-ing projects.




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Det stemmer Super Zoonic. Mange takk for info.


Jeg tror dette er et av de bedre riggkjøpene. Det er flere grunner til det.


*Pris, langt lavere enn ved emisjon, og etter det har rigg aksjene gått i været. Ifølge First: "A stand alone DCF valuation, assuming an initial 4 years contract at current market levels after delivery (USD 500k/d) then USD350k/d thereafter, suggests a fair value of USD14.5/NOK 90 per share."

*Åpen eierstruktur med større institusjonelle ikke-idustrielle eiere. De selger dersom de får en viss premie; det er duket for oppkjøp

*De er forhåpentligvis snart på børs, og det betyr at indeksforvaltere snart vil vekte seg opp...

*Store innsidekjøp - ledelsen sitter på samme rigg som oss, senest i dag...


22/03-2007 11:02:19: (FRID.OTC) Mandatory Notification of Trade

Primary insider Aage Figenschou (board member) yesterday bought 5,000 shares in Frigstad Discoverer Invest (FDIL) at a share price of NOK 43. New holding is 5,000 shares.



For further information, please contact:

Bjørn C Jacobsen, CFO, cell +47 41177900


See also www.frigstad-discoverer.com


Frigstad Discoverer Invest is building the most powerful Semi Submersible Drilling rig, with a Dual Ram Rig derrick, a water depth capability of 12,000 feet, and delivery in 2009. The company holds options for two sister rigs at the same yard.


Frigstad Discoverer Invest completed a private placement of USD 240 million in March 2006, with USD 215 million in equity and USD 25 million in a convertible bond. Most of the debt financing required to finance the construction of the first rig was secured in February through issuance of a bond loan amounting to USD 200 million. The company today has 165 shareholders, and its shares are traded in the OTC market. Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd. Has applied for listing at Oslo Stock Exchange .




En av 165 Frigstad-aksjonærer...

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Endelig er Frigstad Discoverer Invest på vei til børs. Det blir i så fall, etter min mening, en av de aller beste "rigg bettene"...


Selskapene strømmer til Oslo Børs


Oslo Børs har vedtatt å ta opp åtte nye selskaper til notering på børsen.


Artikkel av: Carine Møller Mortensen (28.3.07 15:56)


Det opplyses i en pressemelding torsdag.



Selskapene som tas opp til notering er: ElectroMagnetic GeoServices, Monitor Oil, Frigstad Discoverer Invest, Rem Offshore, Wavefield Inseis, Nexus Floating Production, Ocean Heavylift og Component Software Group.

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Innsiderne har troa. Har du?


29/03-2007 09:47:56: (FRID.OTC) Mandatory Notification of Trade

Primary insider Pål Norheim, CTO has purchased 3,000 shares in Frigstad Discoverer Invest (FRID) at a share price of NOK 47. New holding is 6,200 shares.


For further information, please contact:

Bjørn C Jacobsen, CFO, cell +47 41177900


See also www.frigstad-discoverer.com


Frigstad Discoverer Invest is building the most powerful Semi Submersible Drilling rig, with a Dual Ram Rig derrick, a water depth capability of 12,000 feet, and delivery in 2009. The company holds options for two sister rigs at the same yard.


Frigstad Discoverer Invest completed a private placement of USD 240 million in March 2006, with USD 215 million in equity and USD 25 million in a convertible bond. Most of the debt financing required to finance the construction of the first rig was secured in February through issuance of a bond loan amounting to USD 200 million. The company today has approximately 165 shareholders, and its shares are traded in the OTC market. Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd. has been approved for listing at Oslo Stock Exchange.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Denne tråden bør flyttes over på Aksjeprat, da FRID nå er listet på OBX...



Yantai Raffles Shipyard Ltd (YRS) has agreed with

Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd (FRID) to extend


5th April 2007 deadline for executing the contract

to build a 2nd rig similar to the `SS Frigstad

Oslo`, which is currently under construction at


YRS. Within this agreement, FRID may now declare

the option anytime before 5th June 2007.


There is no added cost for FRID to obtain this

option. The added cost, if the option is declared,

is 1% per month of the Yard cost.


Within the same agreement, FRID also have an


to build yet another rig at YRS, whether or not


above option is declared. The due date for this

option is 5th October 2007, or 6 months after the

effective date for the 2nd rig option.


For further information, please contact:

Harald Frigstad, CEO, cell +65 96757306 or

Bjørn C Jacobsen, CFO, cell +47 41177900


See also www.frigstad-discoverer.com


Frigstad Discoverer Invest is building the most

powerful Semi Submersible Drilling rig with a Dual

Ram Rig, and a water depth capability of 12,000

feet. The company holds options for two sister


at the same yard. The estimated all inclusive cost

for rig number one, which will be delivered in

September 2009, is USD 600 million.


Frigstad Discoverer Invest completed a private

placement of USD 240 million in March 2006, with

USD 215 million in equity and USD 25 million in a

convertible bond. Most of the debt financing

required to finance the construction of the first

rig was secured in February 2007 through issuance

of a 2nd. lien bond loan amounting to USD 200

million. The company has approximately 165

shareholders, and its shares are traded on the


Stock Exchange as from 10 April 2007 under the

ticker code FRID.Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=148474

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Når skal markedet får øya opp for denne aksjen?


Som den første av de store amerikanske riggselskapene til å legge frem tallene for første kvartal, øker Noble Corp nå forventningen til inntjeningen i bransjen.



NA24 - din næringslivsavis



Noble slo forventningene i markedet klart med sitt resultat per aksje på 1,86 dollar. Det var ifølge estimater innhentet av Thomson Financials ventet 1,79 dollar per aksje i snitt på Wall Street.



Driftsinntektene endte på 646,4 millioner dollar i første kvartal, mot 462 millioner i samme periode i 2006. Her hadde analytikerne ventet 627 millioner dollar.



Det ga et driftsresultat på 311,3 millioner dollar, en økning på 121 millioner dollar i forhold til første kvartal i fjor. Nettoresultat økte samtidig fra 145 millioner til 250 millioner dollar.



Riggselskapet har en rekke nybygg og oppgraderingsprosjekter på gang, og melder ikke om noen forsinkelser i disse arbeidene. Nybyggen er fordelt på tre oppjekkbare borerigger og fire enheter for operasjoner på ultra dypt vann.



Noble Corp sitter med en flåte som total tbestår av 62 flyttbare boreenheter som jobber verden over. Brorparten av flåten er jack-up og semi-rigger.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Når skal markedet får øya opp for denne aksjen?


Har fulgt aksjen og sett at Carnegie har handlet stort... Jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor ikke større selskaper kaster seg over Frigstad. Det må da være langt billigere å kjøpe dette enn å bestille nytt, slik SeaDrill nettopp gjorde... Ifølge First: "A stand alone DCF valuation, assuming an initial 4 years contract at current market levels after delivery (USD 500k/d) then USD350k/d thereafter, suggests a fair value of USD14.5/NOK 90 per share."


Selskapet har en åpen eierstruktur med større institusjonelle ikke-idustrielle eiere. De selger dersom de får en viss premie; det er duket for oppkjøp.




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Endelig har de klart å få på plass en finansiell kalender: Skulle bare mangle...


10/05-2007 10:52:43: (FRID) FRID FINANCIAL CALENDAR



Financial Calendar for

Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd


Date Week day Year Event


May 24 Thursday 2007 1Q07 report

August 28 Tuesday 2007 2Q07 report

November 27 Tuesday 2007 3Q07 report

February 27 Wednesday 2008 Preliminary 2007 report

Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=151426

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kanskje verdiene blir synlige for andre...

Jeg håper vi får se en eieroversikt... CA har kjøpt mye aksjer i det siste, og det skulle ikke forundre meg mye om Tank-Jon - "Storeulv" har fått ferten...


21.05.2007 14:21:30 Marked=OB Utsteder=Frigstad Discoverer Invest Ltd. 1Q07 ANALYST/INVESTOR PRESENTATION finansiell kalender


FDIL will host an analyst/investor presentation at

8:00 am Thursday 24 May 2007 at Shippingklubben in

Oslo. The address is Haakon VII gt. 1, 9th floor,

room: Lillesalen.


The presentation will be held by CEO Harald

Frigstad and CFO Bjørn C Jacobsen.

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