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FAIR - klar for et tungt løft... Oppside?


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Tror kanskje aksjen faller pga at Malta Shipyards skal privatiseres og at noen tror dette øker usikkerheten rundt konverteringen - noe jeg ikke helt ser logikken i - hvis det skal nedbemannes så jobber vel alle som bare juling for å ikke bli den som blir luket ut:)?




Interessant at det også står i artiklene om at Fairmount (fairstar) kontrakten som har påført dem store tap - 46mill euro - dvs at Fairstar har gjort en vanvittig, nesten skammelig bra deal på konverteringene...


Jeg sitter nok i denne leenge enda - faller det mer nå så må en jo vurdere å kjøpe mer skjønt jeg ikke hadde tenkt å laste opp mer enn jeg allerede har.

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På tide at DOCK, OHL eller COSCO slenger inn et fair bud på FAIR..., noe annet er unfair.


Skjønner ikke hva dem venter på:

  • De kan redusere adm. kostnader
  • De kan redusere konkurransen og få bedre betingelser på kontrakter
  • Aksjekursen er langt unna verdiene i selskapet


"Ny" aksjonærliste: http://www.fairstar.com/media/Homepage/2%2...hareholders.pdf



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La akkurat denne på HO - er skjønt enig med deg Christle:


Prisinga på denne er jo helt hinsides nå - noen som har noen formening om hvorfor ingen kjøper?


13,5x32990000 = ca 445 mill = drøyt 82musd


de har 2 båter (Fjell er også finansiert selv om den ikke er ferdig) til en verdi av ca 220 mill usd og lån på ca 110usd og de vil ha noe cash til overs (har tatt høyde for uforutsette kostnader)


de har kontrakter for ca 30musd nå - men jeg antar at forhandlingssituasjonen vil bedre seg når fjell er ferdig - selv om fleksibiliteten er begrenset med 2 båter


jomfrutur for fjord er overstått uten problemer og det er allerede noe cashflow i gang


malta shipyards vil ikke gå konk - ettersom de skal privatiseres og må dermed fullføre kontrakten med fairstar for å kunne viderføre driften (som forøvrig betegnes som et tapsprosjekt for verftet - og dermed en kjempedeal for fair - skjønt noe av tapet kommer pga timesavtaler med kontraktører)


spesielt uforståelig er det at ingen konkurrenter forsøker å sluke de til denne prisen - men konkurrentene har vel kanskje for mye lån?

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Man kan jo håpe på at dette søksmålet vinner frem, men for min del er det langt værre med troa. Disponerer Fairmount Marine noe i nærheten av 350 . mill. kr? Det blir imidlertid til salt på bordet for overbetalte advokater..:


27/06-2008 09:32:40: (FAIR) Fairstar files EUR 43,640,342 claim against Fairmount Marine

Fairstar Heavy Transport NV (FAIR) has initiated

arbitration proceedings in Rotterdam with the

Netherlands Arbitration Institute against Fairmount

Marine for damages totalling EUR 43,640,342 citing

Fairmount Marine for mismanagement and gross

negligence while Fairmount Marine had been acting

as Manager for the conversion of `Fjord` at Malta

Shipyards. Speaking on behalf of Fairstar, a

company spokesman stated:

`Fairmount Marine represented itself to the

shareholders of Fairstar as being an Expert

Manager, fully qualified to manage and supervise

the design, engineering, procurement, construction

and completion of the conversion of the BOA Barges

19 and 20 into the self-propelled heavy transport

vessels `Fjord` and `Fjell`. Fairmount Marine has

failed to fulfil its obligations towards Fairstar,

and as a consequence caused Fairstar and its

shareholders to suffer enormous financial damage.

The Supervisory and Management Boards are unanimous

in their conclusion to pursue Fairmount Marine for

these financial damages`.



Profile Fairstar Heavy Transport:

Fairstar Heavy Transport NV is a provider of long

distance ocean transportation services for the

offshore and onshore industries. Fairstar operates

two of the world`s largest and most modern self-

propelled semi-submersible heavy transport vessels,

Fjord and Fjell. The Fjord entered service in March

2008. The Fjell is currently being converted to

self-propelled vessel at Malta Shipyards Ltd in

Malta and is expected be ready for service at the

end of 2008. Fairstar is based in Rotterdam and

quoted on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker: FAIR).


For more information: www.fairstar.com

Philip Adkins, CEO (philip.adkins@fairstar.com, +44-

779-668 1414)

Cristijn Sarvaas, CFO

(cristijn.sarvaas@fairstar.com, +31-6-531 431 08)Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=213863



Nyheten er levert av OBI.

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Ny oppdatering om Fjell:


Greetings from Malta! – Fjell Update

Recent pictures


Focus continues to be on preparing the ship for the arrival of Imtech in July. Some of the key members of Team Imtech were in Malta this week inspecting our progress to date and finalising their plans to start cable pulling in July. McGill and Flakt Marine, the HVAC subcontractor, also arrived in Malta this week. There is a growing contingent of Fjord alumni now in Malta. In spite of the difficulties we all encountered on Fjord there is a real sense of camaraderie amongst Fjord veterans. This spirit will certainly help us work through the challenges that will arise on Fjell. We learned that open communication amongst subcontractors is essential to solving problems and making solid progress. To support this objective, we have organised a "subcontractor village" of portable offices next to the ship. You can see a photo of them being unloaded this week. This week’s photo ménage shows further progress on cable trays and pipe installation. The yard has been running multiple shifts on the aft thruster rooms to open up the spaces to facilitate efficient cable pulling through the port and starboard tunnels into the engine control room. With the assistance of Wärtsilä, the bow thruster has been installed inside the bulbous bow and manually cranked for a few rotations.


The government of Malta announced this week of its intention to privatise Malta Shipyards. While the moral of the shipyard in certain quarters may be affected by this issue, there is a strong core of highly qualified and competent workers who can contribute to a successful and viable enterprise. At this stage we do not anticipate the privatisation discussions to adversely impact the Fjell conversion process. The temperature has really increased in the last week and conditions are very hot on the ship. We hope you notice that things are much cleaner on the ship itself and the attitude towards organisation and safety has significantly improved compared to the Fjord experience.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


Philip, Cristijn, Willem





Ny oppdatering om konvertering av Fjell: http://www.fairstar.com/page.php?idObject=529



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jeg er for stressa til å lese den slags engelsk, gidderu gi et sammendrag på norsk :rolleyes:




Kort sagt Fairstar saksøker den tidligere operatøren/managementet - Fairmount Marine - for "udugelig" arbeide genrelt og spesielt i forbindelse med arbeidet med konverteringen av Fjord for i nærheten av 350 . mill. kr.



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Litt mer volum i dag - noen som vil ut - evt pressen ned kursen enda mer ser det ut som.....


Har ikke noen forventninger til søksmålet - og vet egentlig ikke så mye om den saken - men det er vel begrenset hva du kan få med "udugelighet" som argumentasjon...

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Dette er fairmounts versjon:


Fairmount ready to deal with Fairstar

June 27, 2008

In an distress attempt to distract attention of stakeholders from the long chain of failures by the management and supervisory board Fairstar has finally announced to start arbitration proceedings against Fairmount Marine for alleged mismanagement of the conversion of the FJORD and FJELL.


Henk van den Berg, CEO of Fairmount commented ‘’this is another example of Fairstar throwing shareholders money away in legal costs for a case which is a total non-starter. Fairmount was removed by Fairstar from the conversion of FJORD in January 2007. Adkins, the Fairstar CEO, with absolutely no background in shipping, thought he could accomplish the conversion within three months. That failed. Then Fairstar concluded in June 2007 a jack-up rig transport contract for loading in August 2007. Reality was that it took FHT no less than seven months more to complete the FJORD. When Fairmount was kicked out, the share price of FHT crashed. When FHT had to announce in August 2007 that they could not execute that jack-up rig transport, the share hit another blow. Finally, FJORD was completed in April 2008 and has sofar done only one voyage, a second signature type of cargo. FJORD is laid up in Rotterdam without employment, already for many weeks. Now that’s what I call mismanagement. Everybody has been blamed, Malta Shipyards, Fairmount, sub-contractors like IMTECH, but did the Fairstar management ever take their responsibility ? In the meantime, FHT has lost its case against the former CEO of Fairstar, Frederik Steenbuch, and various shareholders have requested the Amsterdam Enterprise Court to hold an investigation into the conduct of the Fairstar management and supervisory boards. The market value of Fairstar is at its lowest ebb at under E 60 million; with a huge debt and no contracts in this buoyant market it is a total failure of the Fairstar management despite all the Hollywood style retoric. Blaming others is the easiest thing to do. Fairstar should concentrate on getting their act together rather than being bleed dry by their lawyers. Fairmount did a perfect job for Fairstar within the terms and conditions of the management agreement and now, 18 months after we were removed from the conversion, Fairstar comes with a claim ? Too ridiculous to spend more words on it.’’

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Dette er fairmounts versjon:


Fairmount ready to deal with Fairstar




Bra info. En ting er sikkert, noen tar svært feil.

Håper og tror at det kommer et bud snart... Tror DOCK, OHL og/eller COSCO kan få til en bedre inntjening til lavere kostnader på FJORD og FJELL...



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  • 3 weeks later...

For ettertiden.


jeg sliter med noen FAIR aksjer.

noen som ennå sitter i FAIR? Regner markedet med at FJORD går rett til bunns på

6500 metersdyp midt i stillehavet?

Når er FJELL ventet å være ferdig? var det slutten av Q3?

Tror vi må spare oppgangen til da, eller om det kommer noe gledlig nytt 5.August,




Sitter ganske tungt i det i FAIR.


Etter det jeg erfarer ligger Fjord i Rotterdam, MEN den skal vel transportere en dokk for Bahrati til India fra midten av juni/juli. Deretter kontrakt fra Korea.


Fjell skal visstnok være ferdig i Q3, MEN det tror jeg ikke før jeg ser det.


Synes det er merkelig at ikke større aktører som DOCK, OHL eller COSCO kjøper skipene. Det er store penger å tjene og spare på dette.



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Disse burde kanskje vært lagt her ja...




jeg har noen FAIR - dypt inne i skuffen - markedspris for de ferdigfinansierte skipene er ca 100 - 110 musd x2 = min. 200musd og de har ca 80musd i lån - men også litt cash/verdipap.

Et skip er i drift med gode marginer - men det er ikke "fullbooket" - har hatt suksessfull jomfrutur.


Et skip er under konvertering(Fjell) og konverteringen av det forrige skipet ble veldig forsinket (Fjord) samtidig som ledelsen dreit seg ut gang på gang med å love for mye - det har vært en viss opprydning - men det er forståelig at markedet ikke stoler helt på selskapet enda.


Likevel de er nå verdsatt til latterlige 80musd i et meget bra HL marked.


men de er ikke enestående på børsen - mange selskaper prises nå til mindre enn antatt verdi på deres eiendeler, f.eks. DESSC


Sånn er det bare nå....og det er ikke den store interessen for sektoren i Oslo enda...men hvis ikke aksjen løfter seg snart så bør det komme et oppkjøpsforsøk snart...



Fjell er vel ventet ferdig i Q4, men jeg tar høyde for noen måneder forsinkelse...noe annet vil være en positiv overraskelse.

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Endelig kontrakter...



Heerema Marine Contractors (HMC) and Fairstar Heavy

Transport (FAIR) have finalised contracts for the

movement of a jacket, topside, flare boom and

bridge components from South East Asia that are

scheduled for installation in the Danish North

Sea. The first voyage will be made by the Fjell

first quarter 2010. The second voyage will be made

by the Fjord and is currently scheduled for the

second quarter of 2010. The total contract revenue

to be received by Fairstar is 177 days at US$

80,000.- per day.


Mario Kerssens, Director of Sales and Marketing for

Fairstar, stated `We are pleased to have been

selected by Heerema Marine Contractors for this

project. Fjord and Fjell are ideally suited to

transport these cargoes and these contracts as such

are in line with our strategy of working closely

with field developers requiring reliable delivery

to support their time critical construction





Profile Fairstar Heavy Transport:


Fairstar Heavy Transport NV is a provider of long

distance ocean transportation services for the

offshore and onshore industries. Fairstar operates

two of the world`s largest and most modern self-

propelled semi-submersible heavy transport vessels,

Fjord and Fjell. The Fjord entered service in March

2008. The Fjell is currently being converted to a

self-propelled vessel at Malta Shipyards Ltd in

Malta and is expected to be ready for service at

the end of 2008. Fairstar is based in Rotterdam and

quoted on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker: FAIR).



For more information: www.fairstar.com

Philip Adkins, CEO (philip.adkins@fairstar.com, +44-

779-668 1414)

Cristijn Sarvaas, CFO

(cristijn.sarvaas@fairstar.com, +31-6-531 431 08)Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.jsp?messageId=214997

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Regner markedet med at FJORD går rett til bunns på 6500 metersdyp midt i stillehavet?


Er ikke disse folkene i arbitration for 45 millioner euro ? Usikkerhet er det vaerste markedet vet, da blir det fort rabatt paa aksjekursene


"Tradet" litt FAIR naar den var oppe paa 18 kroner, glad jeg kom meg ut. Har ikke r0rt den sisten


Kanskje denne meldingen kan faa litt fart paa aksjen ?






Heerema Marine Contractors (HMC) and Fairstar Heavy

Transport (FAIR) have finalised contracts for the

movement of a jacket, topside, flare boom and

bridge components from South East Asia that are

scheduled for installation in the Danish North

Sea. The first voyage will be made by the Fjell

first quarter 2010. The second voyage will be made

by the Fjord and is currently scheduled for the

second quarter of 2010. The total contract revenue

to be received by Fairstar is 177 days at US$

80,000.- per day.


Mario Kerssens, Director of Sales and Marketing for

Fairstar, stated `We are pleased to have been

selected by Heerema Marine Contractors for this

project. Fjord and Fjell are ideally suited to

transport these cargoes and these contracts as such

are in line with our strategy of working closely

with field developers requiring reliable delivery

to support their time critical construction


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Hei Thomas


Har investert i denne da jeg mener oppsida er større enn nedsida, skipenes verdi - gjeld gir en stor merverdi (se innlegget til Turbotom), alt taler for konsolidering i markedet hvor det i dag er kun fire aktører DOC, OHL, COSCO og FAIR (mindre konkurranse gir høyere pris og flere enheter gir lavere enhetskostnader og bedre fleksibilitet).


Du kan lese mer om saksøkingen i postene nedenfor.


Kort sagt handler dette om at Fairstar saksøker den tidligere operatøren/managementet - Fairmount Marine - for "udugelig" arbeide genrelt og spesielt i forbindelse med arbeidet med konverteringen av Fjord for i nærheten av 350 . mill. kr.



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Ny info. om konverteringen av Fjell: http://www.fairstar.com/page.php?idObject=536


Greetings from Malta! – Fjell Update


There are a lot of photographs this week. You will see the ship is really starting to transform into something you will recognise as a smaller version of Fjord. The bow forepeak is being put in place. The third section (starboard) can be seen at ground level in the dry dock just before being hoisted into place. This structure as a whole provides additional ballast capacity for that which was lost in the bow area to accommodate the new bow thruster.


The wheelhouse has been fabricated and will soon be lifted onto the forecastle. There has been a significant increase in welders on board and the production figures are beginning to reflect this.


The port side thruster is currently being installed, you can see one of our senior engineers checking the alignment in order to avoid the experience we had on Fjord. The large void you see in the middle of the ship is the conversion of ballast tanks into fuel tanks. Most of the piping is now installed and we expect this area to soon be re-decked.


Pipework and cable trays continue to represent a significant amount of our production focus. You will notice a lot of cable trays installed throughout the ship. You will also see large pieces of equipment like generators and pumps now mounted on their seatings with large bore pipe being installed. This sequencing of installation has contributed significantly to improved production and efficient space management.

With the temperature now 30 degrees centigrade plus on board I believe we have made a significant improvement in our approach to managing this project.


The overall atmosphere is good. The political issues involving the yard that were a feature in the press in the last few months are not affecting progress or performance on the Fjell. Last week the yard achieved almost 3% against Plan, one of their best weeks ever while working with Fairstar. Cable pulling starts next week on Deck 3 and we are looking forward to Imtech's A-team to start the next important phase of the project. The invitation to visit is always open, please do not hesitate to contact Philip, Cristijn or Willem if you have any further questions.


The Fairstar Team

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Ser jo ut som ting går sin gang - har tro på at de klarer å gjøre fjell ferdig sånn noenlunde etter planen - selv om jeg synes å huske at kabeltrekkinga skulle starte 1.juli ifølge tidligere planer - men i min bok er bare 1mnd senere helt ok - så lenge ting ikke eskalerer...


På fjell hadde de mange problemer som de neppe vil gjøre igjen...rørarbeid som kolliderte med kabelarbeid...installasjon av feil type pakninger...defekte frekvensomformere...


Tror dette blir bra etterhvert...men er klar for å måtte vente en stund enda...;)

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Noen her som har oversikt over hvem Instinet Europe Limited handler for? de kjøper alt opp til 12kr og har til no klart å få iallefall 2% av aksjene?


jeg lurte og på om det er noen som har gjort noen nav, p/e beregninger på fair? hadde vært kjekt å sett om en nybegynner som meg klarte å treffe sånn ca med mine beregninger :)

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Noen her som har oversikt over hvem Instinet Europe Limited handler for? de kjøper alt opp til 12kr og har til no klart å få iallefall 2% av aksjene?


jeg lurte og på om det er noen som har gjort noen nav, p/e beregninger på fair? hadde vært kjekt å sett om en nybegynner som meg klarte å treffe sånn ca med mine beregninger :)




Aner ikke hvem INT handler for. Bra at noen større "tar tak i aksjen". Kanskje er det en konkurrerende aktør som ser at "pengene ligger strødd på gata her".


P/E beregninger er ikke særlig info. givende nå. Dettte fordi kun en av to fartøy er i operasjon. Du kan imidlertid lese om hva FAIR tjener gitt forutsetninger om antall dager fartøyene er på kontrakt og til gitte rater. Det er "oppløftende lesing" og sier noe om potensialet i aksjen... Se side 25 og ut i denne presentasjonen: http://www.fairstar.com/media/Homepage/2%2...ny%20Update.pdf


Du kan jo også lese hvilken oppside det er i FAIR på bakgrunn av verdiene av fartøyene, jf. TurboToms innlegg under.



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Hei, er på ferie og har ikke fått sett så mye på q2 rapporten enda men de skriver blant annet dette om konverteringen:


The proper organisation of engineering,

production and installation is resulting in a

much higher degree of productivity than was

ever achieved on the FJORD. All critical

equipment and material is now in Malta. Our

principal sub-contractors are on site and we

believe the ship will be mechanically complete

by December, facilitating sea trials after



Totalkostnaden for Fjord ble 94musd og for Fjell estimeres det til 74musd altså ca 10musd mer enn tidligere presentert.

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Ny kontrakt!



Fairstar Heavy Transport (FAIR) has been awarded a multiple voyage contract by KBR of Houston. Fairstar’s semi-submersible heavy transport vessel ‘Fjord’ will deliver the EGTL modules for Chevron from Abu Dhabi to the Escravos River in Nigeria. The Fjord will make a total of three consecutive round trip voyages over the course of the contract. The first cargo is currently scheduled to be picked up in February 2009. Total contract value for Fairstar is USD 23.2 million all of which shall be received in 2009.




Mario Kerssens, Director of Sales and Marketing for Fairstar added “Fairstar is establishing a growing reputation within the field development and offshore project engineering community as a reliable supplier of heavy transport to support their time critical logistics needs. The Fjord has a number of attractive performance features which make it highly suitable as a carrier of choice for these projects.”




Cristijn Sarvaas, CFO, highlighted the financial impact of the contract, “This multiple voyage contract significantly strengthens our financial position and the predictability of our revenues. Gross revenue of USD 23.2 million combined with the revenues of the Bharati, Daewoo and Heerema Marine Contractors contracts now total USD 58.6 million for 2009-2010. Contracted utilisation for 2009 is now 368 days or 50% of our fleet capacity. The Fjord is now booked for a total of 291 days or 80% utilisation in 2009. Based on current contracts, the expected time charter equivalent revenue for the fleet in 2009 is in line with our target of USD 80,000 per day”.



Philip Adkins, CEO, summarised “Operating in this market with a two vessel fleet is a challenge. We have answered that challenge by focussing our efforts on key niches where we believe Fairstar has a sustainable competitive advantage. We have now successfully signed multiple voyage contracts with three of the most influential companies in the offshore project development world. Daewoo, Heerema Marine Contactors and KBR work very closely with each other on a number of long term energy projects. Their expectations for performance are high and we intend to continue to build on these relationships by delivering their cargoes safely and reliably over the coming years.”

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Flott med ny kontrakt. Har sett på Q2-rapporten. Det var noen ting her jeg ikke liker, men blir nok sittende:


S. 1: Trodde Fjell skulle være ferdig før... "Our principal sub-contractors are on site and we believe the ship will be mechanically complete by December, facilitating sea trials after Christmas."


S. 2: Økte kostnader i forbindelse med konvertering av Fjell. "Fairstar has amended the terms of the conversion contract with Malta Shipyards for the FJELL. Fairstar has accepted additional costs from

Imtech as a part of this new arrangement but the contract now gives Fairstar direct control

over engineering, electrical and commissioning aspects of the conversion.


S. 2: Merkelig at kontrakten med Bahrati ble utsatt. Fikk ikke Fairstar kompensert for dette og verre at de ikke fikk anvendelse for Fjord. Ikke bra at Fjord ikke brukes. "Fairstar has amended the terms of the conversion contract with Malta Shipyards for the FJELL. Fairstar has accepted additional costs from Imtech as a part of this new arrangement but the contract now gives Fairstar direct control

over engineering, electrical and commissioning aspects of the conversion."


S. 3: Liker absolutt ikke at FAIR kan få problemer med likviditeten som følge av utsettlsen av kontrakten med Bahrati. Trenger de mer penger og hvor skal de hente penger fra - emisjon eller mer lån? "The bond issue has contributed to the necessary liquidity Fairstar requires while the FJELL is still under conversion. The reduced revenues resulting from the re-scheduling of the Bharati project together with the increased conversion costs may have an impact on liquidity requirements in fourth quarter.


Genrelt skriver FAIR at det kan være problematisk å kun operere to fartøyer mht. kontraktsdekning. Hvorfor tar ikke FAIR initiativ til en "sammseilings-pool" tilsvarende det som finnes i bulk- og tankmarkedet med OHL, COSCO m.fl.



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