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The Beggar and The Trader

"There is a story about a beggar several hundred years ago from a small village. He was orphaned at a young age, and with no education and family, he had to fend for himself. He was reasonably intelligent and able, despite his challenging start. Living in a small village his whole life, since the village was abundant, he was able to beg for food and receive what he needed to survive............" fortsettelse finner man i linken over...

God historie fra Chris Capre her. Han har mange gode poeng og er en dyktig lærer.

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Trading Is Not A Fashion Contest

.....det handler ikke om å lete etter det perfekte set-up'et......

god artikkel om price action trading

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...tja, endel bra her...og litt som er tvilsomt.. skikkelig amatøropptak. Greit nok, han har nok ikke engelsk som førstespråk.

Men jeg er faktisk enig i endel av det han sier.

hvis man ser på kommentarene under kan man se eksempler på hvor mange som er ute etter folks penger i forex-verdenen....helt utrolig, stort sett bare spam og dritt.

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