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Dette var noen kjempefine bilder Bart, som gammel

traver som CREW aksjoner følger jeg med :mellow:


Men skulle jeg ha regnet sammen alle tradene i CREW er jeg stygt redd for jeg hadde gått mye i minus, uten at jeg har ønske om å finne det ut, det er vel slik at investeringer som ble dårlige har vi lyst til å glemme fortest mulig.

Men det som jeg venter på er når aksjonærene skal bli belønnet for å sitte investert?

Jeg husker at jeg drev og tradet CREW aksjer på harde liver for 2 og ett halvt år siden, jeg avbrøt til og med ferien for å komme online, og da var kursen ca 12 kroner når jeg solgte.

Og det er vel sjelden at en aksje har blitt skrytt så opp i skyene av bla annet Vestrum i kompaniskap med CAR som har hatt CREW på sin anbefalingsliste i årevis.


Nå må dere ikke misforstå meg, jeg har klokketro på CREW fremover, men jeg venter på når lyset kommer?


Kan ikke du gi meg beskjed Bart når vi står foran en dobling, så går jeg med?

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Kan ikke du gi meg beskjed Bart når vi står foran en dobling, så går jeg med?


Doblingen kommer NÅ !!! :biggrin:


Spøk til side - Jeg har tradet CRU siden Mai 2007 og ble sittende fast i en liten possisjon etter stupet i slutten av mai. (Var på seilferie uten internett) Etter det har jeg snittet kursen godt ned på 7 tallet som etter mine beregninger er meget lav pris for et gullselskap som er på randen av Ramp Up.


I samme periode som jeg har vektet meg opp i aksjen, har UMOE gått inn og blitt selskapets største aksjonær. Han har kunnet spise opp over 25% av selskapet uten at dette har påvirket kursen i positiv retning. Han har også etter å ha sikret seg styreplass, kjøpt store mengder aksjer.


Som du sier har aksjen dårlig rykte på seg etter at den i mange år har blitt overøst med godord fra Vestrums side. Han har til tider vært alt for positiv i sine uttalelser og aksjen blir straffet hardt for det nå.


Siden Mai 2007 har Gullprisen økt fra 650 USD/Oz til 888 USD i skrivende stund. Kursen på CRU har på samme tid gått fra 15,50 til 9,25 som er dagens sluttkurs. To ganger har aksjen intraday vært handlet langt nede på 7 tallet og de trofaste aksjonærene er selvsagt meget frustrerte og slitne over hele aksjen.


Jeg har etterhvert innsett at jeg ikke greier å trade aksjen med overskudd. Kursen fyker hit og dit og med såpass volum som jeg sitter med er det nesten alltid umulig å komme seg ut eller inn når jeg innser at jeg sitter i feil retning. Jeg har dermed sittet muse stille siden inngangen i november i fjor, og jeg tror ikke jeg kommer til å røre sitsen før de neste kvartalsresultatene kommer inn. Jeg skal heller bruke OBXEXDBEAR som hedge om OSE ser ut til å dippe. (Aksjen har i lang tid fulgt OSE på nedturer uavhengig av gullpriser og HUI- indeksen)


Jeg er tilhenger av TA og følger aksjen gjennom TA-briller hele tiden. Siden nyttår er aksjen ned 2,5% og volumet på røde dager er mye mindre enn på blå dager. Jeg tror rett og slett at de som er mest lettskremt er ute av aksjen allerede, og de som kjøper seg inn nå har litt lengre perspektiv på sine plasseringer.


Ellers så hausses og baisses aksjen så voldsomt at å lese seg fram til noe fornuftig på feks HO er helt nyttesløst. 99,9% tull og tøys alt som serveres på ulike fora. Jeg velger å følge blandt annet Paretos analyser samt selskapets egne børsmeldinger og presentasjoner.


Om ledelsen i selskapet ikke farer med Blank Løgn, og om ikke Jens U. Moe er helt på vidda, så må dette kunne betegnes som en doblingskandidat på forholdsvis kort tid.

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Ny fersk aksjonærliste:


Shareholder Structure

Updated: 7 February 2007


Ranking Holding Percentage Name Country of residence Citizenship/Country of reg. Type of account

1 112,224,000 25.19554 UMOE INVEST AS NOR NOR Ordinary

2 44,063,940 9.89284 GOLDMAN SACHS INT. - GBR GBR Nominee

3 16,206,000 3.63843 CITIGROUP GLOBAL MAR GBR GBR Ordinary

4 15,332,120 3.44223 GOLDMAN SACHS & CO - USA USA Nominee

5 12,491,800 2.80455 UBS AG, LONDON BRANC GBR GBR Nominee

6 11,866,845 2.66424 CITIBANK, N.A. GBR GBR Nominee

7 7,350,500 1.65027 AGRA AS NOR NOR Ordinary

8 5,900,000 1.32462 VERDIPAPIRFONDET KLP NOR NOR Ordinary

9 5,483,533 1.23111 HANDELSBANKEN MARKET NOR NOR Ordinary

10 5,253,472 1.17946 VERDIPAPIRFOND ODIN NOR NOR Ordinary

11 4,955,680 1.11261 J.P. MORGAN BANK LUX LUX LUX Nominee

12 4,947,500 1.11077 SEB PRIVATE BANK S.A LUX LUX Nominee

13 4,612,400 1.03554 VERDIPAPIRFOND ODIN NOR NOR Ordinary

14 4,157,500 0.9334 KBC SECURITIES BEL BEL Nominee

15 4,013,172 0.901 MONS HOLDING AS NOR NOR Ordinary

16 3,637,000 0.81655 DNB NOR SMB VPF NOR NOR Ordinary

17 3,594,000 0.80689 SKAGEN VEKST NOR NOR Ordinary

18 3,479,859 0.78127 PENSJONSKASSEN STATO NOR NOR Ordinary

19 3,206,895 0.71998 STOREBRAND LIVSFORSI NOR NOR Ordinary

20 3,096,000 0.69509 NORDEA BANK NORGE AS NOR NOR Ordinary

21 2,836,000 0.63671 CHEYNE GLOBAL CATALY GBR CYM Ordinary

22 2,727,366 0.61232 MUSLIK AS NOR NOR Ordinary

23 2,682,407 0.60223 SKANDINAVISKA ENSKIL SWE SWE Nominee

24 2,646,000 0.59406 MAYLAM INVEST AS NOR NOR Ordinary

25 2,400,000 0.53883 MYKLEBUST OLAV NOR NOR Ordinary

26 2,396,400 0.53802 NORDEA BANK PLC FINL FIN FIN Ordinary

27 2,372,914 0.53275 VITAL FORSIKRING ASA NOR NOR Ordinary

28 2,073,055 0.46542 CREDIT SUISSE SECURI GBR GBR Nominee

29 2,050,000 0.46025 HAUGEN JAKOB NOR NOR Ordinary

30 1,986,720 0.44604 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GBR IRL Ordinary

31 1,905,545 0.42782 GOLDMAN SACHS INT. - GBR GBR Ordinary

32 1,876,942 0.42139 VERDIPAPIRFONDET NOR NOR NOR Ordinary

33 1,838,072 0.41267 PETERSEN JON STEEN DNK DNK Ordinary

34 1,741,431 0.39097 DEUTSCHE BANK AG LON GBR GBR Ordinary

35 1,674,937 0.37604 DANSKE BANK A/S DNK DNK Nominee

36 1,510,340 0.33909 BNP PARIBAS SECS SER FRA DEU Nominee

37 1,474,000 0.33093 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GBR DEU Nominee

38 1,406,000 0.31566 FIRST SECURITIES ASA NOR NOR Ordinary

39 1,400,875 0.31451 JPMORGAN SECURITIES GBR GBR Ordinary

40 1,400,000 0.31432 ABG SUNDAL COLLIER N NOR NOR Ordinary

41 1,380,250 0.30988 FIKSDAL ROAR NOR NOR Ordinary

42 1,370,459 0.30768 STATOIL FORSIKRING A NOR NOR Ordinary

43 1,355,500 0.30432 HOLBERG NORGE NOR NOR Ordinary

44 1,349,700 0.30302 SIS SEGAINTERSETTLE CHE CHE Nominee

45 1,242,700 0.279 KLP LK AKSJER NOR NOR Ordinary

46 1,226,000 0.27525 LANDSBANKI ISLANDS H NOR ISL Broker

47 1,221,500 0.27424 MP PENSJON NOR NOR Ordinary

48 1,208,121 0.27124 DNB NOR NORGE (IV) V NOR NOR Ordinary

49 1,150,000 0.25819 JÅTTEN STEIN MAGNOR NOR NOR Ordinary

50 1,137,981 0.25549 VERDIPAPIRFONDET NOR NOR NOR Ordinary

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LONDON, United Kingdom: Crew Gold Corporation

(`Crew` or `the Company`) (TSX: CRU) (OSE: CRU)

(Frankfurt: KNC) (OTC-BB-Other; CRUGF.PK) today



Final Placing of Shares in Intex Resources ASA


Crew Gold Corporation (`Crew Gold`) announces the

final placement of 14 million shares of Intex

Resources ASA (previously known as Crew Minerals

ASA) at NOK 7.50 per share. This represents the

final step in Crew Gold`s previously declared

strategic plan of separating its gold assets from

other mineral assets and will enable Crew Gold to

focus fully on its gold-producing assets. The

proceeds from the placement will be used to

increase working capital and fund capital



For more information, please contact our UK Head

Office (TEL +44 (0)1932 268755) or by email to

enquiries@crewgold.com. For more information about

the Corporation, additional contact information or

to subscribe to future news releases, please visit

our new website www.crewgold.com.


Jan A Vestrum

President & CEO

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Published: 09:05 18.02.2008 GMT+1 /HUGIN /Source: Crew Gold Corporation /OSE: CRU /ISIN: CA2265301036


Lefa Project Update



LONDON, United Kingdom: Crew Gold Corporation ("Crew" or "the Company") (TSX: CRU) (OSE: CRU) (Frankfurt: KNC) (OTC-BB-Other; CRUGF.PK) today announced:-


The Company is pleased to provide the following update on the progress of the rectification and expansion program at its LEFA Operation in Guinea. This report is provided as an update to our previous report issued on 5th December, 2007.


All agitator shafts, blades, motors and gearboxes have either been delivered to site or are in transit from Conakry

To date, seven agitator units have been replaced. This is approximately three weeks ahead of schedule

Improved metallurgical recoveries and reliability in the leach and absorption section

Commencement of overhaul of apron feeder at Fayalala crushing station

Mining volumes are ahead of schedule allowing for earlier exposure of higher grade ore

Encouraging drill results from Firifirini North prospect

Agitators, motors and gear boxes

All components to finalize the program announced in May 2007 have now arrived or are in transit to Guinea. Installation of the new agitators, motors and gearboxes for the leach and adsorption tanks is progressing well and is ahead of schedule. New agitators, supplied by Afromix of South Africa, have been installed into 7 of the 12 tanks. The new agitators are performing to expectation and there has been a noticeable improvement in mixing performance in those tanks where the new agitators have been installed. This can be seen in the improvement in metallurgical recoveries which have increased from around 88% to approximately 92% AuR.

Apron Feeders

Refurbishment of the Fayalala crushing station apron feeder has commenced with scheduled completion in 3 weeks. Refurbishment of the second apron feeder located at the Lero crushing station has been re-scheduled to April as the current ore-type fed through this crusher is softer saprolite which does not create the same reliability issues as feeding harder, primary ore.

Power Station and HFO Conversion

Conversion of generators to run on heavy fuel oil (HFO) is progressing and the HFO treatment plant is expected to begin operation in April. In addition to the significant cost saving benefit, estimated at approximately $20 per ounce, conversion to HFO operation will provide an effective increased fuel storage capacity which was previously an issue during the wet season last year.

Water Supply

Water supply to the mill has been upgraded sufficient to meet operational requirements and additional capacity will be installed in the future as an insurance mitigation measure.

These works represent the major elements of the Upgrade and Rectification project at LEFA and the project is on schedule for completion around the end of Q1 and commissioning during Q2.


Mining continues to perform well and waste stripping is ahead of schedule which will enable higher grades to be exposed in preparation for the forthcoming wet season. Throughput for January has been affected by two successive incidents which occurred in the treatment plant. There was a component failure in an electrical panel for one of the grinding mills and a fire in a cyclone classifier. These two failures have resulted in reduced throughput for a period of approximately 15 days whilst repairs were undertaken. However, neither of these incidents are expected to have an effect on the expected Q2 ramp up. Following completion of refurbishment of the Fayalala apron feeder during February, plant capacity should improve towards ±15,000 tonnes per day (tpd) with a further increase in throughput expected as plant reliability issues are progressively corrected. Expected throughput tonnage by the end of calendar 2008 should be ±20,000 tpd. The plant will be deemed commercial when a stable tonnage throughput rate of +16,000 tpd is attained. This target is expected to be reached during Q2.


Exploration results continue to impress and demonstrate the exiting potential. Firifirini, in particular, is continuing to deliver good results with drilling confirming a second structure to the north (Firifirini North), running parallel to the current structure that forms part of the previously reported Resource and Reserve. Since mid December 2007, a further 63 RC holes for 6,726 metres have been drilled along with six DDH holes for 334.9 metres for metallurgical test work.


This second structure is continuing to show intercepts and grades similar to those already reported and place further emphasis on the importance of this area due to its close proximity to the LEFA CIP plant (7kms) and higher average grade. Selective drill results are listed below.


For table, please see attached pdf file.


Aircore drilling 3 kms west of Firifirini is also showing similar geology to that of Firifirini with results still to be received. This is also highlighting the renewed exploration potential of this area now that the geology and style of mineralization (skarn) is clearly understood.


Jan Vestrum President and CEO of Crew commented, "We are pleased to report that the upgrade and rectification program announced in May last year remains on track and schedule. Exploration continues to give very encouraging results on both tonnage and grade which are key value drivers for the future. The Company took a pro-active decision to upgrade the plant and increase capacity capability to better be able to meet the cost pressures that the industry is experiencing. With the construction of the LEFA CIP plant and a strong increase in reserves over the last two years from 2.3 million ounces to almost 4 million ounces, management believes that the fundamentals are in place to return value to share holders over time."


Quality Assurance and Control and Qualified Person

All drilling is conducted using industry accepted equipment and procedures for drilling and sampling. All drill intercepts reported in this press release relate to either RC percussion (dry samples, 1m intervals, >75% sample recovery) or NQ/HQ diamond drill core (half core samples, maximum 1m intervals, >95% sample recovery) for Resource definition drilling, all first pass regional exploration drilling is conducted using AC drilling, with follow up using RC. Historically sampling and assaying of wet RC samples has occurred, this data is flagged in the resource database. A program of confirmatory diamond drilling is ongoing to verify the reliability of this data.


All assay results reported have been determined by 50 gram fire assay, aqua regia digest and atomic absorption spectrometer readings to a detection limit of 0.01 g/t gold by independent assay contractors SGS Siguiri. A check assay program with internationally recognized and certified umpire assay laboratories Genalysis (Perth, Australia) and ALS Chemex (Vancouver, Canada) is also conducted to confirm reliability of assay data. The data is verified on an ongoing basis by Crew's Qualified Person.


Data, of a scientific or technical nature, regarding mineral reserves and mineral resources of Crew Gold Corporation included in this document has been verified by Mr.. Andrew Pardey, the General Manager Exploration. Mr. Pardey is a "qualified person" within the meaning of Canadian National Instrument 43-101-Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Mr. Pardey is not "independent" of Crew Gold Corporation within the meaning of NI 43-101 as he holds securities of the company. All exploration work of the company is conducted under the supervision of Mr. Pardey.


Jan A Vestrum

President & CEO

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Ikke bare jeg som undres over prisingen på CRU-Aksjen :dry:






Litt fakta om kursutviklingen sammenlignet med gull- og dollar-utviklingen :


Siste 52 UKER :


Gull opp 40,7% :biggrin:

USD/NOK ned ca 16,5% :dry:

CRU-kursen ned 36,59% :blink:


I samme periode har produksjonen økt sakte men sikkert, og RampUp ved anlegget på Lefa er i rute og vil gi mye høyere produksjonspotensiale enn hva som var meningen ved prøvestarten for et år siden. (De som har vært aksjonærer i lengre tid husker nok skuffelsen da det viste seg at produksjonsutstyret var for spinkelt og måtte oppgraderes)


Nå derimot har selskapet oppdatert markedet jevnlig om oppgraderingens fremdrift, og ting går på skinner så langt. I tillegg til oppgradering av produksjonslinjen, har selskapet sikret driften framover ved å bunkre drivstoff og oppgradere produksjonsanlegget til å kunne gå på dette langt billigere drivstoffet. Besparelsen ved å bruke dette drivstoffet framfor det som anlegget orginalt var bygget for beløper seg på så mye som 20 USD/Oz.


Kostnader pr produsert Oz er bransjens største utfordring og Crew Gold viser med dette at de har fokus på de rette tingene. Pareto mener i sine estimater at CashCost pr Oz i 2010 kan komme ned mot 350 USD/Oz.


Med gullpris rundt 1000 USD/Oz og produksjon over 500.000 Oz pr år, trenger du ikke være rakettingeniør for å undres over at selskapet skal kunne prises til en marketcap rundt 5,5 mrd kroner. :blink:


Mandag blir utrolig spennende : Ledelsen skal legge fram resultat for fjoråret i en presentasjon på Felix. Jeg håper på litt guiding for året vi er inne i.

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Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and

Results of Operations

For the year ended December 31, 2007

(Expressed in US dollars)




For the Quarter Ended December 31, 2007

- Quarterly production increased by 88% to 44,914 ounces (“oz”) from 23,920 oz in 2006

- Completed an equity placement of 41,922,487 common shares raising $ 63.3 million

- Acquired remaining 17.5% of Nalunaq Gold Mine to become 100% owner

- Sold 15 million Intex Resources ASA (“Intex”, formerly known as Crew Minerals ASA)

shares raising $33.2 million, net of transaction costs

For the Year Ended December 31, 2007

• Overview

- Annual group gold production of 157,628 oz (six months ended December 31, 2006 –

65,988 oz)

- Raised net proceeds of $63.3 million from placement of 41,922,487 common shares

- Raised aggregate net proceeds of approx. $107.2 million in the year from the sale of 39.6

million Intex shares

• Results

- EBITDA of $52.9 million (six months ended December 31, 2006 – $25.7 million)

- Net loss of $31.3 million (six months ended December 31, 2006 – net profit of $7.3 million)


- 2007 gold production of 91,684 oz (six months ended December 31, 2006 – 29,681 oz) (note

that for accounting purposes, revenues and operating costs are capitalised as the plant has not

yet reached commercial production)

- Upgrade and rectification program progressing according to plan


Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and

Results of Operations

For the year ended December 31, 2007

(Expressed in US dollars)


- Equipment all delivered as at March 14, 2008 and installation progressing according to plan

- Mid-year reserves increased by 0.49 million oz to 3.87 million oz (14% increase) and

included a new reserve at Firifirini of 0.23 million oz

• Maco (formerly called Masara)

- Appointed new Resident Manager

- Phase 1 pilot plant at Maco operating on development ore

- Infrastructure development and ore development progressing

- Commenced construction of new tailings facility

- Continued focus on adding further tenements around the existing mining operations and

consolidating a larger long term gold and copper porphyry potential

- Commenced discussions with a potential partner for the assessment of the copper porphyry


- Commenced technical review of the mill expansion and mine plan; completed during Q1


- Appointed new President in January 2008

• Nalunaq Gold Mine and Nugget Pond Processing Facility

- Refurbished plant and commenced operations at Nugget Pond Facility in Q1 2007

- 2007 gold production of 58,716 oz (the plant only operated for 9 months due to the

commissioning of Nugget Pond) (six months ended December 31, 2006 – 36,307 oz)

- Nalunaq Gold Mine now 100% owned following acquisition of minority interest.

• Outlook

- Continued production growth

- Investment in resource and reserve expansion to continue with annual reserve and resource

updates expected to be released during Q2 2008.

- Completion of capacity increase and production ramp up at LEFA anticipated by the end of

Q2 2008

- Continued focus on securing new strategic land claims



For full Results, please see attached pdf file.




Jan A Vestrum

President & CEO

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Dagens presentasjon på Felix overgår Q4 med glans. Dette er meget pent og selskapet går i pluss allerede i Q1 i år. Break Even ligger ved produserte ca 12.000 OZ pr. mnd. på Lefa når Gullprisen er såpass høy som i dag, resten er overskudd.




LEFA: Status on Rectification and Upgrade and

Efficiency Project

•Agitators: 10 installed, 2 to complete. Expect finish by mid April

•Apron Feeders: Fayalala installed, Lero to be changed over in April/May

•Target to reach stable throughput of 16,000 tpd during Q2 and ±20,000 tpd by the end of Q4.

•Production improving rapidly. Record production at LEFA for March 19,000 -20,000 ounces

•Mining well ahead of schedule

•Grade processed in March +2 g/t (due to mining)

•Average recovery March ±94% against budget 88% (1% high recovery →cash cost reduction of 8-10 USD/oz

•Tonnage pick up after Fayalala apron feeder change over

•Average production per day in March approximately 700 oz/d;

•Operationally cash flow positive for February, March and Q1

•Continued encouraging exploration results


Presentasjonen: Presentasjon 31.01.08


Link til Webcast: Webcast (Bør høres)

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Shareholder Structure

Updated: 13 March 2008


Ranking Holding Percentage Name Country of residence Citizenship/Country of reg. Type of account

1 112,224,000 25.20526 UMOE INVEST AS

2 44,114,440 9.90801 GOLDMAN SACHS INT. -

3 15,332,120 3.44356 GOLDMAN SACHS & CO -

4 13,015,600 2.92328 BANK OF NEW YORK, BR

5 11,869,845 2.66594 CITIBANK, N.A.

6 8,402,300 1.88714 UBS AG, LONDON BRANC

7 7,508,533 1.6864 HANDELSBANKEN MARKET

8 7,350,500 1.65091 AGRA AS

9 6,340,407 1.42404 SKANDINAVISKA ENSKIL

10 5,950,000 1.33636 VERDIPAPIRFONDET KLP

11 5,455,680 1.22533 J.P. MORGAN BANK LUX

12 5,253,472 1.17992 VERDIPAPIRFOND ODIN

13 4,870,000 1.09379 SEB PRIVATE BANK S.A

14 4,612,400 1.03593 VERDIPAPIRFOND ODIN

15 4,610,500 1.03551 KBC SECURITIES

16 4,194,595 0.9421 STOREBRAND LIVSFORSI

17 3,729,500 0.83764 SKAGEN VEKST

18 3,637,000 0.81686 DNB NOR SMB VPF

19 3,411,492 0.76621 PENSJONSKASSEN STATO

20 3,040,000 0.68278 BANK OF NEW YORK, BR

21 2,936,000 0.65942 CHEYNE GLOBAL CATALY

22 2,812,500 0.63168 NORDEA BANK NORGE AS

23 2,727,366 0.61256 MUSLIK AS

24 2,660,000 0.59743 MYKLEBUST OLAV

25 2,546,000 0.57183 MAYLAM INVEST AS

26 2,396,400 0.53823 NORDEA BANK PLC FINL

27 2,372,914 0.53295 VITAL FORSIKRING ASA

28 2,086,720 0.46867 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK

29 2,050,000 0.46043 HAUGEN JAKOB

30 1,876,942 0.42156 VERDIPAPIRFONDET NOR

31 1,838,072 0.41283 PETERSEN JON STEEN

32 1,700,000 0.38182 SKANDINAVISKA ENSKIL

33 1,630,340 0.36617 BNP PARIBAS SECS SER

34 1,474,000 0.33106 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK

35 1,440,408 0.32351 STATOIL FORSIKRING A

36 1,401,000 0.31466 FIRST SECURITIES ASA

37 1,400,000 0.31444 TANJA A/S

38 1,389,166 0.312 CACEIS BANK LUXEMBOU

39 1,388,431 0.31184 DEUTSCHE BANK AG LON

40 1,385,200 0.31111 SIS SEGAINTERSETTLE

41 1,370,250 0.30776 FIKSDAL ROAR

42 1,355,500 0.30444 HOLBERG NORGE

43 1,327,140 0.29807 KLP LK AKSJER

44 1,323,000 0.29714 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK

45 1,300,000 0.29198 ABG SUNDAL COLLIER N

46 1,226,000 0.27536 LANDSBANKI ISLANDS H

47 1,221,500 0.27435 MP PENSJON

48 1,192,469 0.26783 NORDEA BANK DENMARK

49 1,174,121 0.2637 DNB NOR NORGE (IV) V

50 1,150,000 0.25829 JÅTTEN STEIN MAGNOR

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Shareholder Structure

Updated: 18 April 2008


Ranking Holding Percentage Name Country of residence Citizenship/Country of reg. Type of account

1 112,224,000 25.20436 UMOE INVEST AS NOR NOR Ordinary

2 41,457,048 9.31083 GOLDMAN SACHS INT. - GBR GBR Nominee

3 15,307,620 3.43794 GOLDMAN SACHS & CO - USA USA Nominee

4 13,590,845 3.05236 CITIBANK, N.A. GBR GBR Nominee

5 10,883,533 2.44433 HANDELSBANKEN MARKET NOR NOR Ordinary

6 7,859,300 1.76512 UBS AG, LONDON BRANC GBR GBR Nominee

7 7,350,500 1.65085 AGRA AS NOR NOR Ordinary

8 6,284,000 1.41132 KBC SECURITIES BEL BEL Nominee

9 5,955,680 1.33758 J.P. MORGAN BANK LUX LUX LUX Nominee

10 5,950,000 1.33631 VERDIPAPIRFONDET KLP NOR NOR Ordinary

11 5,350,172 1.20159 VERDIPAPIRFOND ODIN NOR NOR Ordinary

12 4,910,000 1.10274 SEB PRIVATE BANK S.A LUX LUX Nominee

13 4,717,572 1.05952 VITAL FORSIKRING ASA NOR NOR Ordinary

14 4,612,400 1.0359 VERDIPAPIRFOND ODIN NOR NOR Ordinary

15 3,812,000 0.85614 DNB NOR SMB VPF NOR NOR Ordinary

16 3,556,395 0.79873 STOREBRAND LIVSFORSI NOR NOR Ordinary

17 3,504,100 0.78699 SKAGEN VEKST NOR NOR Ordinary

18 3,245,000 0.72879 NORDEA BANK NORGE AS NOR NOR Ordinary

19 3,194,407 0.71743 SKANDINAVISKA ENSKIL SWE SWE Nominee

20 3,107,000 0.6978 BANK OF NEW YORK, BR BEL GBR Nominee

21 3,100,000 0.69623 MYKLEBUST OLAV NOR NOR Ordinary

22 3,073,932 0.69037 PENSJONSKASSEN STATO NOR NOR Ordinary

23 2,827,366 0.635 MUSLIK AS NOR NOR Ordinary

24 2,613,001 0.58685 SKANDINAVISKA ENSKIL NOR NOR Ordinary

25 2,574,947 0.57831 DNB NOR NORGE (IV) V NOR NOR Ordinary

26 2,450,639 0.55039 DEUTSCHE BANK AG LON GBR GBR Ordinary

27 2,440,000 0.548 MAYLAM INVEST AS NOR NOR Ordinary

28 2,396,400 0.53821 NORDEA BANK PLC FINL FIN FIN Ordinary

29 2,300,148 0.51659 ABG SUNDAL COLLIER N NOR NOR Ordinary

30 2,286,720 0.51357 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GBR IRL Ordinary

31 2,050,000 0.46041 HAUGEN JAKOB NOR NOR Ordinary

32 1,876,942 0.42154 VERDIPAPIRFONDET NOR NOR NOR Ordinary

33 1,838,072 0.41281 PETERSEN JON STEEN DNK DNK Ordinary

34 1,689,166 0.37937 CACEIS BANK LUXEMBOU LUX LUX Ordinary

35 1,630,340 0.36616 BNP PARIBAS SECS SER FRA DEU Nominee

36 1,503,000 0.33756 SKANDINAVISKA ENSKIL SWE FIN Nominee

37 1,462,000 0.32835 KLP LK AKSJER NOR NOR Ordinary

38 1,400,000 0.31443 TANJA A/S NOR NOR Ordinary

39 1,384,000 0.31083 AKSJEVOLD AS NOR NOR Ordinary

40 1,370,250 0.30774 FIKSDAL ROAR NOR NOR Ordinary

41 1,291,265 0.29 NORDEA BANK DENMARK DNK DNK Nominee

42 1,284,548 0.2885 STATOIL FORSIKRING A NOR NOR Ordinary

43 1,267,500 0.28467 HOLBERG NORGE NOR NOR Ordinary

44 1,221,500 0.27434 MP PENSJON NOR NOR Ordinary

45 1,216,000 0.2731 LANDSBANKI ISLANDS H NOR ISL Broker

46 1,137,981 0.25558 VERDIPAPIRFONDET NOR NOR NOR Ordinary

47 1,080,500 0.24267 DNB NOR BANK ASA EGE NOR NOR Ordinary

48 1,060,200 0.23811 SIS SEGAINTERSETTLE CHE CHE Nominee

49 1,060,000 0.23807 DANSKE BANK A/S DNK LUX Nominee

50 1,015,000 0.22796 VERDIPAPIRFONDET NOR NOR NOR Ordinary

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LONDON, United Kingdom: Crew Gold Corporation

(`Crew` or `the Company`) (TSX: CRU) (OSE: CRU)

(Frankfurt: KNC) (OTC-BB-Other; CRUGF.PK) today



Lefa Exploration Update


Crew Gold Corporation (Crew) is pleased to report

that exploration drilling at LEFA from January to

March 2008, has continued to extend the Firifirini

resource to both the east and west. Furthermore,

drilling at Camp de Base is continuing to support

the model linking the mineralization to the

Pharmacie mineralization to the east and infill

drilling is also showing continuation of the Camp

de Base structure.


Drilling has been focussed at Firifirini, Lero-

Karta-Camp de Base and Fayalala and was a

combination of RC and diamond drilling. To the end

of March 2008, a total of 14,444m of RC drilling

and 1,077m of HQ3 Diamond drilling have been

completed comprising 120 RC Holes and 15 DDH tails.


Camp de Base

Drilling down dip and along strike from known

mineralisation at Camp de Base has yielded expected

results with broad zones of typical Camp de Base

style of mineralisation consisting of disseminated

and fracture filled pyrite in highly fractured,

siliceous Birimian sandstone. Drilling at depth

approaching the sinistral Karta fault has

delineated wide dilation zones of gold

mineralisation linking up with the Pharmacie

structure to the north. Exploration in this area

is ongoing and it is expected the Camp de Base pit

will now link up to the Karta pit, significantly

improving the economics of this area and may result

in these two pits optimising into a single pit.


The geological understanding of the Firifirini

deposit skarn mineralization has improved and

understanding has highlighted a new focus for

exploration going forward across selected areas of

the concession. In October 2007, the Company

announced an initial reserve for Firifirini of 0.23

million ounces at 2.25 g/t Au. The BBC-prefixed

holes listed in the following table are some of the

intercepts that show the same mineralization style

as Firifirini located 4kms west and is hosted in a

typical retrograde skarn context developed by a

dioritic intrusion forming contact metamorphism

with calcareous sediments. Massive accumulations

of magnetite together with lesser pyrite are

developed on the contacts with other skarn minerals

such as epidote, grossular garnet and diopside.

These sites form localised high concentrations of

gold with lower more disseminated grades hosted by

the altered carbonate-sandstones, marbles or felsic



For tables and full press release, please see

attached pdf file.


Jan A Vestrum

President & CEO

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Lefa Exploration Update



Press Release - 23rd April 2008


LONDON, United Kingdom: Crew Gold Corporation ("Crew" or "the Company") (TSX: CRU) (OSE: CRU) (Frankfurt: KNC) (OTC-BB-Other; CRUGF.PK) today announced:-


Lefa Exploration Update


Crew Gold Corporation (Crew) is pleased to report that exploration drilling at LEFA from January to March 2008, has continued to extend the Firifirini resource to both the east and west. Furthermore, drilling at Camp de Base is continuing to support the model linking the mineralization to the Pharmacie mineralization to the east and infill drilling is also showing continuation of the Camp de Base structure.


Drilling has been focussed at Firifirini, Lero-Karta-Camp de Base and Fayalala and was a combination of RC and diamond drilling. To the end of March 2008, a total of 14,444m of RC drilling and 1,077m of HQ3 Diamond drilling have been completed comprising 120 RC Holes and 15 DDH tails.


Camp de Base

Drilling down dip and along strike from known mineralisation at Camp de Base has yielded expected results with broad zones of typical Camp de Base style of mineralisation consisting of disseminated and fracture filled pyrite in highly fractured, siliceous Birimian sandstone. Drilling at depth approaching the sinistral Karta fault has delineated wide dilation zones of gold mineralisation linking up with the Pharmacie structure to the north. Exploration in this area is ongoing and it is expected the Camp de Base pit will now link up to the Karta pit, significantly improving the economics of this area and may result in these two pits optimising into a single pit.


The geological understanding of the Firifirini deposit skarn mineralization has improved and understanding has highlighted a new focus for exploration going forward across selected areas of the concession. In October 2007, the Company announced an initial reserve for Firifirini of 0.23 million ounces at 2.25 g/t Au. The BBC-prefixed holes listed in the following table are some of the intercepts that show the same mineralization style as Firifirini located 4kms west and is hosted in a typical retrograde skarn context developed by a dioritic intrusion forming contact metamorphism with calcareous sediments. Massive accumulations of magnetite together with lesser pyrite are developed on the contacts with other skarn minerals such as epidote, grossular garnet and diopside. These sites form localised high concentrations of gold with lower more disseminated grades hosted by the altered carbonate-sandstones, marbles or felsic intrusives.

Selected the intercepts are listed in the table below. The intercepts listed below do not form part of the currently reported resource and are a combination of infill and extensional drilling.


Hole_ID Hole Type Max Depth

(m) Depth From

(m) Depth To

(m) Intercept *

(metres @ grade)

FIRIFIRINI and Surrounding Area

SIRC0349 RC 120 66 73 7m @ 5.54 g/t

SIRC0354 RC 120 11 14 3m @ 3.64 g/t

SIRC0359 RC 120 66 69 3m @ 3.67 g/t

SIRC0382 RC 120 42 47 5m @ 55.78 g/t

SIRC0397 RC 120 57 60 3m @ 3.22 g/t

SIRC0406 RC 100 48 51 3m @ 4.51 g/t

SIRC0519 RC 100 11 14 3m @ 4.52 g/t

BBC0001 RC 100 31 42 11m @ 8.50 g/t

BBC0002 RC 100 11 32 21m @ 4.07 g/t

BBC0018 RC 100 30 36 6m @ 5.00 g/t

BBC0023 RC 100 18 22 4m @ 3.02 g/t

BBC0027 RC 80 17 20 3m @ 9.38 g/t

BBC0034 RC 80 36 49 13m @ 3.40 g/t

BBC0036 RC 80 42 51 9m @ 11.03 g/t


LKCD1146 RCDDH 180 66 87 21m @ 3.73 g/t

LKCD1155 RCDDH 190 96.55 103 6.45m @ 3.15 g/t

LKCD1157 RCDDH 190 119 126 7m @ 3.37 g/t

LKCD1157 RCDDH 215 136 139 3m @ 3.75 g/t

LKCD1157 RCDDH 215 157 160.52 3.52m @ 3.33 g/t

LKCD1163 RCDDH 220 75 81.47 6.47m @ 4.80 g/t

LKCD1166 RCDDH 190 150 155 5m @ 3.70 g/t

LKCD1167 RCDDH 210 157 173 16m @ 7.31 g/t

LKCD1169 RCDDH 180 135 145 10m @ 4.10 g/t

LKCD1170 RCDDH 190 165 169 4m @ 3.38 g/t

LKCD1172 RCDDH 180 195 212 17m @ 3.90 g/t

LKCD1175 RCDDH 220 128.3 139 10.7m @ 4.21 g/t


FACD1420 RCDDH 150 42 55 13m @ 3.35 g/t

FACD1420 RCDDH 150 113.62 118 4.38m @ 24.05 g/t


Intercept* True width has not yet been confirmed


Regional Exploration

Crew is also pleased to report further encouraging results from the ongoing regional program. This program has focused in the areas surrounding the LEFA corridor specifically to the north in the Siguirini area, to the southeast on the prospects of Sikasso, Goldring, and Dar Saalam and in the corridor between the known deposits of Lero Karta and Banora. To the end of March 2008, a total of 36,143m of Aircore (AC) drilling has been completed comprising 452 AC holes. The prospects are shown on the attached map of the LEFA Concession and exploration titles.

In the Siguirini area near the Firifirini deposit, a new prospect, Toume Toume has been identified and which is hosted in a retrograde skarn context similar to that at Firifirini.

At Dar Salaam, four mineralized structures have been delineated by Air Core drilling. Further drilling is planned using both RC and Diamond methods to further test this mineralization.


In the corridor between Lero Karta and Banora, regional exploration has delineated further targets. The Tombakansa target corresponds to a succession of small altered quartz veined structures in a shear zone along strike to the west from the LEFA corridor.

Also in this corridor is the prospect of Hansaghere, an 800 m length mineralized structure, orientated N110°E and dipping south with parallel quartz veining. The structure is still open along strike and down dip.

The Fello Antigou prospect contains old workings and is hosted by Birimian sandstones.

Diguili North continues to give promising results. Drilling has extended the target at depth to the east and to the south east. Furthermore at Diguili Bougoufe, a small mineralized structure has been identified consisting of a north-east orientation with a southerly dip and is now ready to be tested by RC drilling.

The Banora West prospect is hosted in a narrow shear zone, with a southeast orientation located 2 km to the northwest of the Banora deposit.

Selected Results are listed below


Hole_ID Hole Type Max Depth

(m) Depth From

(m) Depth To

(m) Intercept *

(metres @ grade) Location

TBR0111 AC 90 38 42 4m @ 1.62 g/t Tombakansa

TBR0117 AC 90 50 54 4m @ 1.96 g/t Tombakansa

TBR0135 AC 120 92 96 4m @ 2.73 g/t Tombakansa

TBR0111 AC 90 38 42 4m @ 1.62 g/t Tombakansa

TBR0117 AC 80 50 54 4m @ 1.96 g/t Tombakansa

TBR0135 AC 120 92 96 4m @ 2.73 g/t Tombakansa

HSR0059 AC 90 18 22 4m @ 1.40 g/t Hansaghere

FER0021 AC 90 6 12 6m @ 2.34 g/t Fello Antigou

FER0044 AC 90 14 24 10m @ 4.11 g/t Fello Antigou

BNR0460 AC 90 44 48 4m @ 4.53 g/t Banora West

BNR0461 AC 90 14 18 4m @ 2.91 g/t Banora West

BNR0465 AC 90 76 83 7m @ 2.45 g/t Banora West

BNR0466 AC 90 8 20 12m @ 1.80 g/t Banora West

BNR0466 AC 90 28 36 8m @ 3.10 g/t Banora West

BNR0469 AC 90 74 83 11m @ 2.23 g/t Banora West

BNR0470 AC 90 12 20 8m @ 0.94 g/t Banora West

BNR0470 AC 90 38 68 30m @ 1.1 g/t Banora West

BNR0480 AC 90 22 26 4m @ 1.35 g/t Banora West

DNR0081 AC 120 106 110 4m @ 2.03 g/t Diguili North

DNR0108 AC 120 42 46 4m @ 3.24 g/t Diguili North

DNR0111 AC 120 74 78 4m @ 1.18 g/t Diguili North

DNR0112 AC 120 4 12 8m @ 1.10 g/t Diguili North

DNR0114 AC 120 78 84 6m @ 2.50 g/t Diguili North

DNR0135 AC 120 28 34 6m @ 2.24 g/t Diguili North

DNR0136 AC 120 98 102 4m @ 2.83 g/t Diguili North

DBR0361 AC 120 40 59 19m @ 2.06 g/t Diguili Bougoufe

DBR0362 AC 120 12 32 20m @ 1.31 g/t Diguili Bougoufe

DSR0240 AC 120 46 50 4m @ 3.63 g/t Dar Saalam

DSR0241 AC 120 8 14 6m @ 3.17 g/t Dar Saalam

DSR0248 AC 120 28 44 16m @ 1.40 g/t Dar Saalam

GRR0094 AC 120 18 34 16m @ 6.48 g/t Goldring

GRR0094 AC 120 46 54 8m @ 1.79 g/t Goldring

GRR0111 AC 120 114 118 4m @ 1.30 g/t Goldring



Intercept* True width has not yet been confirmed


Quality Assurance and Control and Qualified Person

All drilling is conducted using industry accepted equipment and procedures for drilling and sampling. All drill intercepts reported in this press release relate to either RC percussion (dry samples, 1m intervals, >75% sample recovery) or NQ/HQ diamond drill core (half core samples, maximum 1m intervals, >95% sample recovery) for Resource definition drilling, all first pass regional exploration drilling is conducted using AC drilling, with follow up using RC. Historically sampling and assaying of wet RC samples has occurred, this data is flagged in the resource database. A program of confirmatory diamond drilling is ongoing to verify the reliability of this data.

All assay results reported have been determined by 50 gram fire assay, aqua regia digest and atomic absorption spectrometer readings to a detection limit of 0.01 g/t gold by independent assay contractors SGS Siguiri. A check assay program with internationally recognized and certified umpire assay laboratories Genalysis (Perth, Australia) and ALS Chemex (Vancouver, Canada) is also conducted to confirm reliability of assay data. The data is verified on an ongoing basis by Crew's Qualified Person.

Data, of a scientific or technical nature, regarding mineral reserves and mineral resources of Crew Gold Corporation included in this document has been verified by Mr. Andrew Pardey, the General Manager Exploration. Mr. Pardey is a "qualified person" within the meaning of Canadian National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Mr. Pardey is not "independent" of Crew Gold Corporation within the meaning of NI 43-101 as he holds securities of the company. All exploration work of the company is conducted under the supervision of Mr. Pardey.

Commenting on these latest results, Jan Vestrum President and CEO of Crew commented, These drilling results continue to demonstrate not only the potential to add resources and reserves on a consistent and fast growing manner, but to do so at higher grades than the current Measured and Indicated resource grade of 1.6g/t Au for the LEFA Gold Mine. Improved grade has been a focus as this is important not only for the overall output from the mine, but a main contributor to lower cash costs The Company is confident that a major part of its future resource growth will come from the LEFA concession and this, together with the ramp-up of production from the CIP plant, will be important value drivers for shareholders."


Jan A Vestrum

President & CEO

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Du har min dypeste forståelse Bart, CREW er en gammel "hest" som jeg har tradet fra tid til annen. Jeg hadde god gevinst mange ganger i starten, men de siste gangene jeg har prøvd meg har det gått dårlig, før klarte jeg å treffe med noen rekyler.


Det frister å gå inn nå, men det gjorde det også på 9,50, så jeg vet ikke helt, blir vel til jeg feiger ut, og da kommer den vel opp en krone i løpet av 2-3 dager :sad:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Som dere sikkert vet har jeg kjøpt en god del CREW, og i går solgte jeg litt AWILCO for å øke mer.

Jeg venter på en skikkelig rekyl fremover og vil gjerne være med om den kommer nå, limer inn en fra CAR som er stjelt fra HO.


CRU - CREW anbefales med target 13,5 kr

CRU - Crew Gold har falt tilbake sammen med gullprisen. Nå forventer vi derimot en snarlig positiv ressurs/reserve oppdatering fra selskapets LEFA prosjekt, samt at selskapet vil annonsere på deres kommende kvartalspresentasjon at utvidelsen av LEFA går som planlagt. Selskapet er også priset med meget stor rabatt til sine peers, og oppsiden til vårt kursmål på NOK 13.5 er mer enn NOK 5.


Innlemmes i CAR tradingportefølje. Target 13.5 kroner. Stopp loss 7,00 kroner.


Kilde CAR Morgenrapport 06.05.08

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Våre beste investeringsideer i dag er som følger:


Crew Gold Corporation


Crew (7,62) – aksjen har fått for mye juling, tas inn i modellporteføljen.


Vi tar i dag inn Crew i modellporteføljen. Aksjen har vært presset av en negativ nyhetsstrøm det siste året, men den har nå fått for mye juling.


Basert på DCF-betraktninger og gjennomsnittlige bransjemultipler anslås fair value til 12,50 kroner per aksje.


Mye av rabatten kan tilskrives innkjøringsproblemene på Lefa, men vi venter at disse løses utover året. I så fall vil produksjon og inntjening stige sterkt i kvartalene fremover.


Med en sterk gullpris og vellykket produksjonsoppskalering kan Crew bli en børsvinner utover sommeren.


Basert på 2009-EV/EBITDA er Crew det billigste mellomstore gullselskapet i verden.


Crew legger frem rapporten for første kvartal tirsdag 13. mai.



Kommentar: Vi ser tegn til utbunning i Crew og tar aksjen inn i modellporteføljen. For å få plass, avhendes motvillig Simrad. Sist nevnte er en langsiktig favoritt, men oppsiden kan være større i Crew i det korte perspektivet.


Kilde Oriom morgenrapport 07.05.08

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Shareholder Structure

Updated: 07 May 2008


Ranking Holding Percentage Name Country of residence Citizenship/Country of reg. Type of account

1 112,224,000 25.20443 UMOE INVEST AS NOR NOR Ordinary

2 39,557,048 8.88413 GOLDMAN SACHS INT. - GBR GBR Nominee

3 15,298,620 3.43592 GOLDMAN SACHS & CO - USA USA Nominee

4 13,596,890 3.05373 CITIBANK, N.A. GBR GBR Nominee

5 10,880,000 2.44354 HANDELSBANKEN MARKET NOR NOR Ordinary

6 7,350,500 1.65085 AGRA AS NOR NOR Ordinary

7 6,504,000 1.46074 KBC SECURITIES BEL BEL Nominee

8 5,955,680 1.33759 J.P. MORGAN BANK LUX LUX LUX Nominee

9 5,950,000 1.33631 VERDIPAPIRFONDET KLP NOR NOR Ordinary

10 5,350,172 1.2016 VERDIPAPIRFOND ODIN NOR NOR Ordinary

11 4,910,000 1.10274 SEB PRIVATE BANK S.A LUX LUX Nominee

12 4,768,008 1.07085 VITAL FORSIKRING ASA NOR NOR Ordinary

13 4,612,400 1.0359 VERDIPAPIRFOND ODIN NOR NOR Ordinary

14 3,812,000 0.85614 DNB NOR SMB VPF NOR NOR Ordinary

15 3,750,000 0.84221 SKAGEN VEKST NOR NOR Ordinary

16 3,556,395 0.79873 STOREBRAND LIVSFORSI NOR NOR Ordinary

17 3,505,735 0.78735 UBS AG, LONDON BRANC GBR GBR Nominee

18 3,335,808 0.74919 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GBR GBR Nominee

19 3,325,000 0.74676 DANSKE BANK A/S DNK LUX Nominee

20 3,245,000 0.7288 NORDEA BANK NORGE AS NOR NOR Ordinary

21 3,200,000 0.71869 MYKLEBUST OLAV NOR NOR Ordinary

22 3,193,727 0.71728 SKANDINAVISKA ENSKIL SWE SWE Nominee

23 3,073,932 0.69038 PENSJONSKASSEN STATO NOR NOR Ordinary

24 3,004,394 0.67476 DEUTSCHE BANK AG LON GBR GBR Ordinary

25 2,836,000 0.63694 MAYLAM INVEST AS NOR NOR Ordinary

26 2,827,366 0.635 MUSLIK AS NOR NOR Ordinary

27 2,613,001 0.58685 SKANDINAVISKA ENSKIL NOR NOR Ordinary

28 2,592,202 0.58218 DNB NOR NORGE (IV) V NOR NOR Ordinary

29 2,396,400 0.53821 NORDEA BANK PLC FINL FIN FIN Ordinary

30 2,339,000 0.52532 BANK OF NEW YORK, BR BEL GBR Nominee

31 2,300,000 0.51656 ABG SUNDAL COLLIER N NOR NOR Ordinary

32 2,286,720 0.51358 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GBR IRL Ordinary

33 2,050,000 0.46041 HAUGEN JAKOB NOR NOR Ordinary

34 1,876,942 0.42154 VERDIPAPIRFONDET NOR NOR NOR Ordinary

35 1,838,072 0.41281 PETERSEN JON STEEN DNK DNK Ordinary

36 1,690,795 0.37974 BNP PARIBAS SECS SER FRA DEU Nominee

37 1,689,166 0.37937 CACEIS BANK LUXEMBOU LUX LUX Ordinary

38 1,643,000 0.369 BARCLAYS CAPITAL SEC GBR CYM Nominee

39 1,600,000 0.35934 KLP LK AKSJER NOR NOR Ordinary

40 1,414,433 0.31767 STATOIL FORSIKRING A NOR NOR Ordinary

41 1,409,000 0.31645 SKANDINAVISKA ENSKIL SWE FIN Nominee

42 1,400,000 0.31443 TANJA A/S NOR NOR Ordinary

43 1,384,000 0.31083 AKSJEVOLD AS NOR NOR Ordinary

44 1,362,250 0.30595 FIKSDAL ROAR NOR NOR Ordinary

45 1,267,500 0.28467 HOLBERG NORGE NOR NOR Ordinary

46 1,221,500 0.27434 MP PENSJON NOR NOR Ordinary

47 1,216,000 0.2731 LANDSBANKI ISLANDS H NOR ISL Broker

48 1,139,265 0.25587 NORDEA BANK DENMARK DNK DNK Nominee

49 1,137,981 0.25558 VERDIPAPIRFONDET NOR NOR NOR Ordinary

50 1,015,000 0.22796 VERDIPAPIRFONDET NOR NOR NOR Ordinary

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Cru var vel det gull selskapet som har fått mest posetiv omtale og ikke minst kjøps anbefaling i 2007. Vi kan vel si at ink meg og andre som handlet i Cru på stigende gull priser hadde håpet på en bedre kurs utvilking en minus 25% som jeg har i dag :sad: . Får håpe de klarer å få noe mer gull ut gruvene og at prosjektene glir bedre fremover.

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Production largely as expected

Crew Gold has announced its Q1 2008 results quite in line with our estimates. The top line, which so far reflects Nalunaq project revenues, came in at USD 11,2m standing below our estimate. The discrepancy has occurred mainly due to lower production volume compared to our estimates. EBITDA and EBIT were USD -3,0m and USD -5,4m respectively exceeding our forecasts. The pretax profit was negatively affected by non cash exchange losses of USD 18,3m.

The production at Lefa and Maco was 43 811 oz. and 4 704 oz. versus our estimates of 43 500 oz. and 5 000 oz. respectively. The figures indicate a significant improvement Q/Q.

The company’s plans to start commercial production at Lefa at the end of Q2 remain unchanged. Despite some interruptions during the first half of 2008, Crew Gold expects constantly improving results.

We are likely to revise our production assumptions only marginally. Thus, our estimates will be most impacted by fluctuating gold prices as well as changes in cash costs. Our target price of NOK 12,50 is being revised, however, is not a subject of significant changes.


Crew Gold delivered results for the closed quarter largely as expected and gave us no reasons for significant changes in estimates.

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Press Release - 14th May 2008


LONDON, United Kingdom: Crew Gold Corporation

(`Crew` or `the Company`) (TSX: CRU) (OSE: CRU)

(Frankfurt: KNC) (OTC-BB-Other; CRUGF.PK) today



Notification of Trade



On May 13th., 2008, Jan A Vestrum, President and

Chief Executive Officer of Crew bought 300.000

shares in Crew through a forward contract at NOK

7.78 and maturity August 13th 2008.


Mr Vestrum`s total exposure is 9,211,364 Crew

shares, including common shares, convertible bonds,

forward contracts and options.



Jan A Vestrum

President & CEO

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På HO er det noen som seriøst hevder at CRU er og har vært en stooor short-case. - At dette er en "Velkjent" strategi når det gjelder prospecting firms som IGE, WEMI og CRU. Strategien er slik at det shortes jevnt og trutt over år på topper, mens man regner seg fram til når selskapene trenger mere kontanter. I slike selskaper kommer det ALLTID en ny emisjon og short trykket blir ALLTID størst når selskapene er like ved å gå tom for penger.


Påstanden er selvfølgelig bare en av mange "forklaringer" på hvorfor kursen ikke stiger, og selv lar jeg meg sjelden rive med av slike "konspirasjonsteorier".


Men, denne er litt interessant og jeg har brukt noen uker på å prøve å lese meglerstatistikker og aksjonærlister tilbake i tid for å kunne lage et lite "Short-Register" her på kjøkkenbenken. - Ikke enkelt og det må nok legges inn store feilmarginer.


Her er statistikk over de 6 største "Netto Buy Volum" fra 01.01.2004 :




Som dere ser er nettosalget såpass stort for enkelte at jeg synes det er merkelig at dette ikke har syntes i Shareholder Structure oversiktene som selskapet legger ut hver måned. Er dere ikke enige ? Om du selger 40 millioner aksjer, burde ikke en eller flere av de største eierene få litt mindre eierandel i oversikten ??


Om dette har noe for seg, ville det også forklare Morgan Stanley (MSI) sin mildt sagt merkelige handelsmønster siste par årene. Det har hele tiden virket som om de har solgt for en stor aktør, men de kunne ha solgt mye mere til langt bedre priser. De har siste året alltid solgt meget små poster fra 1000 Stk til 10.000 Stk og ALLTID til lavere kurs enn sist omsatt. Voldsomt irriterende for en som sitter long som meg når en aktør alltid kaster en minipost til lavere kurs :mad:


Hva tror dere ? Nå som selskapet har gått ut og flagget at det ikke lenger er behov for ny emisjon, og at Lefa snart (iløpet av et par mnd) vil være i komersiell drift. The plant will be deemed commercial when a stable tonnage throughput rate of approximately 16,000 tpd

is attained. Management targets this level during Q2.


Kan vi rett og slett ha sett en "Short gone wrong" i CRU som en annen aktør på HO skriver i et innlegg ??

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Uheldigvis har jeg ikke kunnskap nok til å kunne kommentere på ditt innlegg Bartender, men håper andre mer rike på slikt kan gi respons :)


Men, ser det er liten diskusjon rundt søsterselskapet ITX her - noen som kan starte en tråd om det selskapet? Har falt endel i det siste, og kan muligens være underpriset på sikt.

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