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GGS today reports that a major international oil

company has placed an order for all GGS seismic

data in East Timor and JPDA with related

products. The gross value of the order exceeds

USD 1.5 million.


These data sets have been collected by GGS in co-

operation with BGP. The East Timor project is a

result of a contract signed with the Government

in East Timor in September 2004. Seismic data

collection was completed by the seismic vessel

Zephyr-1 in February 2005. The data collection

for the 4,000 km JPDA survey has just been

completed by the seismic vessel Polar Duke and

processing is on-going. JPDA is on of two

projects cariied out through the new formed

joint venture company Geo Bridge owned by GGS

and BGP with 50 % each.

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Seismikkselskapet GGS melder om ordre i forbindelse med Øst-Timor-undersøkelsen.



Artikkel av: Øystein Byberg (23.1.06 10:48)


GGS rapporterer at selskapet har mottatt en ny ordre når det gjelder et komplett datasett for Øst-Timor. Dataene ble hentet inn i samarbeid med kinesiske BGP.


Styreformann Morten Andersen sier i en kommentar at det gleder ham at ordrene i forbindelse med undersøkelsen fortsatt strømmer på. GGS ser frem til en vellykket lisensrunde og håper på vellykkede boreresultat i årene som kommer.


GGS-aksjen stiger 2,7 prosent til 8,36 kroner.

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Bra det fortsatt tikker inn salg fra Timor!

Får håpe MA beviser at ordrene "strømmer på", vi trenger det.

Kursen er jo ikke til å rikke........ :(

En skikkelig Nescos melding, kan kanskje gjøre susen?


Vi som er litt langsiktige (mer eller mindre frivillige) får glede oss over at jevnlige salg holder nye emisjoner på avstand..... :)

Hilsen Northern, med ett brennende ønske om å komme over 10 kroner igjen.

Blir fysisk dårlig av disse ørekursene.#%¤%#

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Rene juleaften i dag.


24/01-2006 15:37:35: GGS - WINS SRI LANKA SEISMIC TENDER

GGS reports that it has been informed that it

has been awarded a major seismic contract

offshore Sri Lanka after a competitive tender

process. The estimated value of the contract is

NOK 25 million. GGS has chartered state of the

art seismic vessel Mezen from JSC Large of

Russia to carry out the work.


Under the contract the plan is to collect 6-

8,000 km of seismic with the purpose of defining

the extent of the Sri Lankan continental shelf

under the United Nations program for defining

continental margins. The project is financed by

the Sri Lankan Government with assistance from

NORAD and with a mixed credit facility from

GIEK. The project is of strategic importance for

Sri Lanka in providing the key documentation for

Sri Lanka`s claims for extent of its continental



Morten Andersen, Chairman of the Board of GGS

states: `I am satisfied that GGS has been

awarded this important contract. Our daughter

company in Singapore has been responsible for

the tendering and negotiations. The successful

outcome is building substance to our strategy

which includes expansion into the Asia-Pacific

market thus creating a broader variety of

projects to build our cash flow.`


For more information. Please contact:


Morten Andersen, Chairman of the Board, +47

90020220 or

Trond Christoffersen, CEO, +47 95282110Ekstern link: http://www.newsweb.no/index.asp?melding_ID=120507

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Dette er kjempenyheter



GGS reports that it has received an order for

its West Florida Escarpment Phase 2 seismic

survey. The project is planned to become

approximately 7,000 km and will commence later

this year after completion of Phase 1 consisting

of 10,000 km.


GGS further reports that its wholly owned

subsidiary NESCOS AS has now received the

service order for installation of the first

NESCOS smart well system delivered to Petrobras

in 2004. The installation is scheduled for

February this year.


Morten Andersen, Chairman of the Board of GGS

states: `Our West Florida surveys have attracted

large attention by the oil companies and several

potential clients are evaluating joining Phase 1

in addition to the clients that have already

purchased the data. We also see a strong

interest in our newly announced Phase 2 and I am

pleased that we have already received the first

order well in advance of the project start-up.`


Morten Andersen further comments that he will

welcome the start of the NESCOS installation

process, as positive results in field proving

the products, in addition the successful

certification at RF-Rogalandsforskning, are

likely to have a large impact on the future of

the innovative NESCOS technology.


For more information. Please contact:


Morten Andersen, Chairman of the Board, +47

90020220 or

Trond Christoffersen, CEO, +47 95282110

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fra Fivel på HO:



Senators promise eastern Gulf of Mexico leasing bill



Nick Snow

Washington Correspondent


WASHINGTON, DC, Feb. 8 -- Senate energy leaders said they will introduce a bill to finally open Outer Continental Shelf Lease Sale 181 acreage in the eastern Gulf of Mexico to oil and gas development—with military and distance exemptions.


The bill would instruct Sec. of the Interior Gale A. Norton to develop a leasing program that would begin a year after the bill's passage, said Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Pete V. Domenici (R-NM) and Chief Minority Member Jeff Bingaman (D-NM).


Two other committee members, James M. Talent (R-Mo.) and Byron L. Dorgan (D-ND), are cosponsors. "This bipartisan legislation aims to do something very important—increase our domestic supplies of energy. That's essential if we are to bring prices down, as both gasoline and natural gas prices continue to spike upwards," said Dorgan.


The bill would exclude any area within 100 miles of Florida's coast, including an area commonly known as "the Stovepipe," the senators said in a joint statement.


It also would place special conditions on areas east of the Military Mission Line. Leasing in that area would proceed only with the defense secretary's permission after reviewing proposed lease sale conditions to make sure the leases don't interfere with military activities.


The exemptions address concerns raised by Florida's senators, Democrat Bill Nelson and Republican Mel Martinez, who introduced a bill on Feb. 1 to permanently ban leasing in the Sale 181 area and allow limited exploration 260 miles from Tampa Bay.


Nearly 5 tcf

Domenici, Bingaman, Talent, and Dorgan said their bill would bring nearly 5 tcf of natural gas that the US Minerals Management Service estimates is in the area to market in the near future.


They said the American Gas Association estimates this would be enough gas to heat nearly 5 million homes for 15 years.


The bill does not alter moratoriums covering the OCS, according to Domenici. "This bill will not interfere with view-scapes from the coast, the environment, or the military activity in the area," he said. "Opening this area is our best opportunity to bring a lot of gas to market swiftly and make a real difference with supply and price."


Bingaman said directing the interior department to lease parts of the Sale 181 area would be an important near-term action to bolster US energy supplies.


"While I appreciate that there are environmental sensitivities associated with offshore drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, I am confident that development in this area can be done in an environmentally sound manner and that lessees will be held to the highest environmental and safety standards," he added.


Talent called the proposal "a progrowth, projobs bill that will help energy consumers and increase our domestic supply of natural gas."


The bill drew applause from the Industrial Energy Consumers of America. "Congressional action of this nature is very timely," said IECA Pres. Paul N. Cicio, calling Sale 181 area gas "our greatest near-term supply option because it is very close to existing Gulf of Mexico exploration and production infrastructure."


Contact Nick Snow at nsnow@cox.net.





Dette tyder vel på at det går riktig vei der borte!?

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Tja, ting snur fort gitt :blink:


Det jeg venter på, og burde ikke ta alt for lang tid, er når en del øvrige meglerhus begynner å kjøpe.

Lenge siden man har sett UBS, CSB, ... aktive her.

Kommer dem så går det gjerne ekstra fort.


Har forørvrig kjøpt meg inn igjen men med mindre volum.

Tomra ble plutselig "litt" kjedelig.


Lykke til uansett.


Og NL, hva er forresten ditt kursmål (utenom 10.80 da !) For min del stirrer jeg på 18 tallet men det tar vel mer en ett skudd før vi er der.

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Tja, ting snur fort gitt :blink:


Det jeg venter på, og burde ikke ta alt for lang tid, er når en del øvrige meglerhus begynner å kjøpe.

Lenge siden man har sett UBS, CSB, ... aktive her.

Kommer dem så går det gjerne ekstra fort.


Har forørvrig kjøpt meg inn igjen men med mindre volum.

Tomra ble plutselig "litt" kjedelig.


Lykke til uansett.


Og NL, hva er forresten ditt kursmål (utenom 10.80 da !) For min del stirrer jeg på 18 tallet men det tar vel mer en ett skudd før vi er der.

Hei Mata!

Ja nå tror jeg vi kan få en liten opptur, men det har jeg jo trodd siden Juni-2005.... :lol:

Helt klart at vi må få større hus på banen. Denne har vært traderenes lekekasse lenge nok nå.

Ører opp og ører ned........ De siste dagene har det imidlertid vært litt vel mange ører ned.....

På en måte kan vel Irans ustabile politikk og styre være en trigger til at USA tar en kjapp godkjenning her.

Nå vil de utvinne selv.


I dag kom vi ett steg videre og slik jeg har forstått det, kan det bli "forenklet" saksbehandling her.

Går vi ned i morgen, begynner jeg å grine.......... :( :D (les: gevinstsikring...)

Kan vel ikke være så mye å sikre nå?


Kursmål ja.... Vel, først er det greit å komme opp på to-sifret og slippe disse grusomme ett-ørene!

Så er vel 15 en liten milepæl....... etterfulgt av 20-25............

Vanskelig å si, men det skulle ikke være helt umulig.....? :blink:

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GGS-Fra Enskilda's morgenmail


US authorities is through a draft proposal from MMS that could open for more oil and gas expl. offshore Florida in the GoM (area until now has been off-limits to oil and gas comp). News very positive to GGS (unrated) as the only seismic comp. currently acq. MC seismic data in the region.

Best Regards

Aasulv, Kjetil and Pål

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  • 2 weeks later...

20.02.06 07:49 Marked=OB GGS NEW SALE OF EAST TIMOR DATA avtaler


GGS today reports that it has received an order

for its East Timor seismic data set. The order

is a result of a new company joining one of the

existing clients in a bidding group.




Morten Andersen, Chairman of the Board of GGS

states: `The bidding dead line for the first

East Timor licensing round set to 17. March 2006

is not far away. The sale of this survey, which

was carried out in partnership with BGP of

China, is already a commercial success. Given

that, we are still expecting additional sales to

potential partners of the companies bidding or

being awarded licenses.`


For more information, please contact:


Morten Andersen, Chairman of the Board, +47

90020220 or

Trond Christoffersen, CEO, +47 95282110

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Fra Dagbladet



Iran snur og samarbeider

FORHANDLER: Irans president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad snakker med IAEA.

Foto: Scanpix/AP



Iran har overraskende åpnet for samarbeid med IAEA.



Torsdag 23.02.2006, 20:01

oppdatert 21:01 (Dagbladet.no): Et team med eksperter fra det internasjonale atomenergibyrået er nå på vei til Iran. I kveld tilbød Iran overraskende å dele hemmelig informasjon med IAEA, forteller diplomater til AP.

- Iran har tilbudt informasjon om sitt hemmelige prosjekt med å anrike uran. Det er dette prosjektet som amerikansk etterretning mener kan lede til ulovlig produksjon av atomvåpen, sier diplomater.


USA har avvist å delta i forhandligene. Det amerikanske utenriksdepartementet sier de er i nær kontakt med europeerne.

- Vi er fornøyd med den linja vi har valgt, sier talsmann Adam Ereli til AP.


Tidligere utenriksminister i Tyskland, Joschka Fischer mener USA kan hjelpe i dialogen med Iran.

- Det ville vært veldig hjelpsomt hvis USA kunne delta. Vi har en viktig mulighet til å løse dette sammen, sier Fischer.


Anriker Uran


Et team med IAEA-eksperter drar nå til Iran for å diskutere «Green Salt»-prosjektet. Ekspertene krever å være anonyme fordi de ikke har lov til å diskutere IAEAs etterforskning.


Iran har avvist at de ønsker å utvikle atomvåpenprogram. IAEA har etterforsket Iran i mer enn tre år, men har ikke klart å finne klare bevis. Men byrået har mange funn og flere eksperiment som de mener er ledd i anriking av uran, en prosess som kan produsere atomvåpen.


Lavt anriket uran brukes til å produsere energi, og det er det Iran hevder at de gjør. men høyt anriket uran brukes i atomvåpen.



Russiske forhandlinger

Samtidig er lederen for Russlands atomenergibyrå i Teheran. Russerne ønsker å få til et kompromiss der Iran driver sin anriking av uran på russisk jord.


Russisk overvåking skal forhindre at Iran utvikler atomvåpen. Iran hevder deres atomprogram er fredelig og skal brukes til energiproduksjon, men USA og Europa stoler ikke på dette.


Russland har åpnet for økonomisk belønning til Iran hvis de bidrar til å løse konflikten fredelig.


5. mars er den avgjørende datoen. IAEAs er starten på en prosess som kan føre til sanksjoner mot Iran fra FNs sikkerhetsråd.


Dagbladet.no kommer tilbake med mer.


Ikke dumt for GGS om det ordner seg i Iran snart........... :rolleyes:

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Orion om GGS i ny analyse





• The Q4 results from GGS were largely as expected, with operating

profit and bottom line still in red. The quarterly results were burdened

with amortization of the multi client library of NOK 29,3 mill.

• According to GGS, the new Iranian oil minister indicates that onshore

blocks in Iran will be offered soon. GGS hopes this is a sign that

things are moving towards offering also the offshore blocks, which

GGS is exposed to. The timing of this is however uncertain. We are

sceptical to see GGS achieving significant sales from its Iranian data

in the near future, due to the tense political situation around Iran.

• We are definitely seeing positive shifts in GGS. The increasing number

of new seismic projects outside Middle East creates a more even

cash flow and reduces risk. Especially promising is the seismic project

offshore Florida where GGS has already achieved good sales. The

newly acquired British geophysical company Spectrum also strengthens

GGS. We however see this not compensating for the locked Iranian

asset so far. We regard GGS’ pricing as still not attractive and

hence reiterate Sell recommendation.


Q4 results Reported Orion

Revenues 28,1 26,2

EBITDA 16,8 4,2

Operating profit -15,6 -15,8

Pretax profit -24,5 -20,8

EPS adjusted -0,38 -0,34



Q4 report from GGS brought no surprises. GGS is moving the right direction,

but the new projects are still not compensating for the locked Iranian

asset. We regard the company’s pricing as still not attractive and hence reiterate

Sell recommendation.



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Tror og håper at dette har noen stor betydning for selskapet:


Seismikkskip i arrest


Skip hyret av GGS ligger i arrest på Sri Lanka.



Artikkel av: Øystein Byberg (8.3.06 06:29)


Seismikkskipet "Mezen", som er hyret av GGS i forbindelse med et norsk u-hjelp-prosjekt, kan ifølge DN bli liggende i arrest i ytterligere to uker. Det er klart etter et rettsmøte i Sri Lankas hovedstad Colombo mandag.

- Vi er informert om at rettens kjennelse vil foreligge senest 20. mars. Vi må derfor forholde oss til at arresten kan komme til å vare i to uker til, sier administrerende direktør Trond E. Christoffersen i GGS.

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GGS reports that the US Senate Energy and

Natural Resources Committee on March 8. 2006

approved a bill proposed by Committee Chairman

Pete Domenici with 16 votes against 5. The

proposal, which will later be voted over in the

Senate, will open for a lease sale in Area 181

in 2007.


The lease Area 181 is located adjacent to the

GGS West Florida surveys Phase 1 and 2. While

drilling in Florida waters has long time been

banned, it is believed that exploration in the

Eastern Gulf of Mexico can create the biggest

additional contributor to US petroleum

production in the relatively short perspective.


Morten Andersen, Chairman of the Board of GGS

states: `A lease sale in area 181 will mark a

historical time shift for oil exploration in the

Eastern Gulf of Mexico. In light of the high

energy prices and the deficiency of domestic

petroleum resources in USA, we believe that time

is rapidly approaching for environmentally

responsible oil exploration and production also

in Florida waters, but in safe distance from the

beaches so vital for the states tourist

industry. The political development that we see

is adding value to the significant GGS

investments west of Florida`


For additional information, please contact

Morten Andersen, Chairman of the Board, +47

90020220 or

Trond Christoffersen, CEO, +47 95282110

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Nå skal det hentes mere penger:


As part of GGS` strategy to restructure debt, GGS has

retained SEB Enskilda ASA and DnBNOR Markets to, after the

closing of OSE today, evaluate a private placement of 5.5

million new shares, equal to 9.96 % of the total number of

shares in the company.


For more information, please contact:

Morten Andersen, Chairman of the Board, +47 900 20 220

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GGS-emisjon i boks


GGS melder om vellykket emisjon på 5,5 millioner aksjer. Dette går pengene til



Artikkel av: Odd Steinar Parr (15.3.06 08:19)

GGS melder om en vellykket rettet emisjon på 5,52 millioner aksjer, tilsvarende ca. 9,99 prosent av aksjene i selskapet til kurs 6,65 kroner, heter det i en børsmelding.



Aksjen sluttet på 6,90 kroner på Oslo Børs i går.



Pengenge går ifølge styreformann Morten Andersen til å restrukturere gjeld, vokse i Midtøsten og muliggjøring av investeringer i det sammenslåtte GGS Spectrum.

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  • 2 weeks later...

March 28, 2006, 10:50AM

(BW) Global Geo Services ASA and Rock Solid Images Announce Joint Marketing Agreement for Well-Based Rock Physics and Seismic Model Studies



By Business Editors

© 2006 Business Wire


HOUSTON & OSLO, Norway--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 28, 2006--Global Geo Services and Rock Solid Images announced today that they have entered into a multi-year agreement under which Rock Solid Images will develop multi-well rock-physics and seismic model studies to be marketed by Global Geophysical Services in conjunction with their regional seismic programs.



Stated Richard Cooper, President of Rock Solid Images, "The move from qualitative to quantitative seismic interpretation methods, such as Impedance and AVO analysis, is fueling a rapid increase in demand for high quality well-based calibration data. By providing integrated seismic and well-data studies, our customers will benefit from a significant reduction in cycle time and improved risk assessment decisions."


Added Trond Christofferson, CEO of Global Geo Services, "This new agreement with Rock Solid Images builds upon our existing successful relationship developed through marketing the East Timor/JPDA regional well and seismic study. A significant number of additional integrated programs are currently under development including West Florida, GOM and East Java, Indonesia."


Global Geo Services ASA (GGS) is a public company listed on the Norwegian Stock Exchange. The GGS core business is producing 2D and 3D non-exclusive seismic data on a worldwide basis. GGS also develops non-exclusive programs and provides seismic services at multiple centers around the world through its wholly owned subsidiary Spectrum Energy and Information Technology ltd.


For company and investment information please visit www.ggs.biz.


Rock Solid Images provides solutions for seismic reservoir characterization, and specializes in the integration of surface seismic and borehole data to build seismic-scale models of reservoir properties such as porosity and fluid saturation. In addition to providing turn-key seismic reservoir studies, Rock Solid Images develops software for rock-physics and seismic modeling and seismic attribute calculation and classification via industry funded consortia.


The company can be found on the web at www.rocksolidimages.com.

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Oslo (TDN Finans): Global Geo Services' (GGS) flerårige markedsavtale med

Rock Solid Images er en svært viktig avtale for GGS og er et betydelig ledd

i den nødvendige strukturbyggingen for å bli en verdensomspennende



Det sier styreformann Morten Andersen i GGS til TDN Finans onsdag.


Han vil ikke kommentere hvor store inntektene fra avtalen ventes å bli, men

sammenligner den med salg av ekstradeler til biler.


-Dette er et tilleggsprodukt som vi kommer til å tilby i tillegg til den

vanlige seismikken, på samme måte som når du kjøper ekstrautstyr til bilen.

Dette er veldig verdifull informasjon for oljeselskapene, fordi den gjør

sannsynligheten for å bore riktig mye større, sier han.


Han understreker at inntektene fra denne avtalen ikke vil bli like store

som for selve seismikken.


-Vi vil ikke få like store inntekter som fra selve seismikken, men for oss

er dette et viktig ledd i å bygge strukturen for å bli en seismikkoperatør

på verdensbasis. Nå er vi en av gutta, for å si det sånn, sier Andersen.--


TDN Finans - tel +47 22 00 11 55



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Jeg vil bare tilføye at RSI har et meget godt navn innenfor bransjen.

Selskapet har sprunget ut fra Rock Physics-miljøet ved Stanford University, som kanskje har vært/er det ledende innenfor dette fagfeltet.


Deres analysemetoder, algoritmer og generellle knowhow bør suksessfullt kunne utnyttes i markedsøyemed for seismiske datasett innhentet av GGS.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Det er en artikkel om surveyen til GGS-Spectrum i GoM i siste nummer av First Break. Til info kan jeg nevne at dette er et fagtidsskrift beregnet på fortrinnsvis geofysikere, men også geologer og petroleumsingeniører.

Tidsskriftet har høy anseelse i oljemiljøet.


Dersom noen er interesserte i å lese hva Finstad et al. skriver kan de titte her:



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Alle monner drar sa musa....



GGS får 13 mill.


GGS har mottatt en ordre for deler av sitt Vest Florida-program.



Artikkel av: Øystein Byberg (18.4.06 08:37)



Relaterte artikler Se aksjeticker

- Går for dagens finansiering - GGS samler lån

- GGS-avtale






GGS opplyser at selskapet har mottatt en ordre for deler av sitt Vest Florida-program. Ordren har en verdi på to millioner dollar, noe som tilsvarer rundt 13 millioner kroner.

Styreformann Morten Andersen i GGS opplyser at det er stor interesse for Vest Florida-undersøkelsen.

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