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First om DNO idag:


Key Issues: DNO


Chairman contacted by potential buyer


We believe the Chairman has issued the press release to be able to buy shares in DNO either through his own company Larsen Oil & Gas or through DNO. However, we do not believe in an aggressive bid above our transaction NAV of NOK 13.3 at the current stage as there are still large uncertainties related to the reserves in Goliath and Kurdistan and in relation to political issues regarding the PSAs in Kurdistan. Thus, short-term we recommend selling DNO shares above NOK 12.5 and accumulating below NOK 12.0. As the shares trade at NOK 12.8 we change our recommendation to Market Weight (Accumulate) and reiterate our 12m target price of NOK 13.5..



· The Chairman has been contacted by a potential bidder for DNO due to his 5% stake in the company. The CEO of DNO has no knowledge of such potential bid yet. We believe the Chairman issued a press release to avoid being an insider. As he stated that he would take actions to avoid an unfriendly bid (bid below NOK 14 according to him) and his prime broker ABG Sundal Collier is the largest net buyer of DNO shares today we believe he may has started to accumulate DNO shares already. If not, he would probably start soon to send a signal to the market. This is definitely positive as he should be viewed as better informed on the DNO values than most investors/analysts. There is a risk that he will buy shares on behalf of DNO as he has been responsible for this historically. We see such a move as negative for the share price as it may be seen as a poison pill/defence measure to avoid a bid.



· We have a take-over NAV of NOK 13.3/share and NAV applying the forward curve of NOK 15.6. We would be very surprised if a potential predator would pay more than our transaction NAV at the current point in time mainly due to significant asymmetric information of the value of the company. There are still uncertainties related to the PSAs in Kurdistan and to the reserves in the Tawke structure. In addition we await a new reserve report for the important Goliath field in the Barents Sea.


· Consequently we would be surprised to see an aggressive bid (above NOK 13.3/share) now. Also, there is a risk that there will be no bid at all. Based on the information we have today we would sell DNO shares above NOK 12.50 and buy shares below NOK 12.0.





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Fra CAR: DNO regner med at innvendingen fra P.tilsynet vil bli løst og boreoperasjonene i Norge vil kunne gå som normalt:


DNO (12,35) Avsalg på boresøknad

Vi ble meget overrasket over at Petroleumstilsynet har gitt DNO avslag på søknad om samtykke om leteboring med Bredford Dolphin på utvinningstillatelse 305 i Nordsjøen også kjent som Lie prospektet. Tilsynet sier at de finner at operatøren ikke har hatt den nødvendige kompetanse og kapasitet i forberedelsen til den forestående aktiviteten. Videre sier tilsynet at DNO ikke har den nødvendige kompetanse og kapasitet som er nødvendig for å drive ansvarlig boreoperasjon.


DNO har en solid stab på sin norske virksomhet ledet av Roar Tessem som har 24 års erfaring fra ledende stillinger i olje og oljeservice bransjen. DNO har blant annet blitt tildelt 2 operatørskap i TFO runden i 2004 som jo med stor sannsynlighet vil medføre boreoperasjoner. Myndighetene må dermed den gang ha ansett DNO kapabel til å håndtere boreoperasjoner.


Etter å ha snakket med DNO forstår vi at tilsynets innvending primært gjelder forholdene rundt HMS (Helse, miljø og sikkerhet) under boreoperasjonene. DNO vil snarest øke sin kompetanse på dette området og ledelsen regner med at det vil kunne innebære at boreoperasjonene vil gå som normalt. Bredford Dolphin er noe forsinket og vil først være boreklar i slutten av februar eventuelt i mars. Foruten om Lie prospektet planlegger DNO å bore Torkildsen og Drauphne prospektet med Bredford Dolphin.


Vi forventer således at DNO vil løse dette problemet og at boringene med Bredford vil gå som planlagt, dog med den forsinkelse som er nevnt. Vi venter i disse dager spent på resultatet fra boringen av Zita brønnen hvor Norsk Hydro er operatør. Denne ble igangsatt i midten av desember og brønnen bør nå være nær en testperiode. DNO forventer at deres 30 % eierandel her kan gi 60 millioner fat dersom boringen er vellykket og ser en 30 % sannsynlighet for det. Blir det et funn av en slik størrelsesorden kan det innebære en potensiell verdiøkning per DNO aksje på ca. NOK3.


Vi gjentar vår kjøpsanbefaling med kursmål NOK20.


(Analytiker eier 90 000 aksjer i DNO)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stemmer det at vi ser en omvendt hode-skulder formasjon i DNO eller er dette bare ønsketenkning?


Se http://hopey.netfonds.no/history.php?paper...ta1_momentum=15


1. skulder i slutten av juli i fjor, hodet i oktober i fjor, og en påbegynt skulder i begynnelsen av januar som ble "avbrutt" av styreformanns melding?


Legger også merke til at det ofte er en relativt stor spread i aksjen om dagen.

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Kobler Røkke og DNO


Aker-konsernets kasse svulmer før et ventet oppkjøp. DNO kan være en mulig kandidat.

dn.no Skriv ut


DNO passer Kjell Inge Røkkes oljedrøm perfekt, skriver Finansavisen.


Avisen skriver at skal vi ta Aker-toppene på ordet når de snakker offentlig, så forventer de integrasjon mellom leverandørselskaper og oljeselskaper.


Klassisk Røkke-objekt

Ifølge Finansavisen kan DNO se ut som et klassisk Røkke-objekt, siden risikoen i selskapet er vanskelig å kalkulere, og markedet kan vise seg å prise risikoen feil.


Avisen skriver imidlertid at den er helt ukjent med om Røkke ser for seg et bredt samarbeid mellom egen selskaper og sfæren til styreformann og storeier i DNO, Berge Gerdt Larsen.


Ingen i hverken Aker-systemet eller i Larsen Oil Gas vil kommentere spekulasjonene overfor avisen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Er det noen som har så gode forbindelser med DNO at de kan tipse selskapet om at de snart mulig bør sette søkelyset på Kypros? Les dette så forstår du kanskje hvorfor:


På under én måned har flere selskaper på Oslo Børs rømt til Kypros. Stadig flere oljerelaterte selskaper flykter fra Norge til skatteparadiser. I dag meldte Prosafe flytting til Kypros. Da hadde de allerede flyttet eierskapet til riggene. På kort tid har to selskaper på Oslo Børs flyktet til Kypros. I desember varslet det John Fredriksen-kontrollerte forsyningsskiprederiet Deep Sea Supply i Arendal at de ville flytte hovedkvarteret til Kypros.


I forrige uke varslet Arendal-selskapet Advanced Production and Loading (APL) at også det ville flytte til Kypros på grunn av bedre konkurransemessige forhold og fri tilgang til det europeiske markedet.


Det siste er at Kjell Inge Røkkes selskap Aker Drilling vurderer å hive seg på bølgen med skatteflyktninger til Kypros. Se ---> http://www.dn.no/energi/article1026095.ece...rticle_readmore


Cyprus Weekly sier at myndigheten tar sikte på å få igang minst tre lavprisselskaper som skal fly på Kypros i år som del av en handlingspla fra myndighetene for å tilrettelegge for og forbedede seg på økt tilflytting og turisttrafikk til Kypros i forkant av innføringen av Euro ved årsskiftet.


For DNO burde det derfor være ekstra intressant av følgende grunn:

Det skrives nå veldig mye i avisene om de gigantiske oljeforekomstene som sannsynligvis finnes i havområdene utenfor Kypros I siste utgave av Cyprus Weekly sies det at oljeeksperter merer det er liten tvil om at det er store oljeforekomster utenfor Kypros.



Som bosatt på Kypros kan jeg evt. svare på spørsmål om skatt, eiendom o.l. ifm. flytting til Kypros. Min e-postadressen er: Megler1@hotmail.com

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  • 1 month later...

Med litt tålmodighet går dette veien:





DNO is pleased to announce an update on the

activities in Kurdistan:




- An extended production test of Tawke # 5

delivered a maximum flow rate of 9,860 bopd


- Tawke development wells are now being

subject to extended production testing in

preparation for permanent production as well as to

gain reservoir data


- Oil produced during extended flow testing

is being collected in storage tanks


- Pre-commissioning and final testing of

the first phase of the Tawke Early Production

facilities is expected to commence shortly


- First oil production from Tawke will

commence less than 3 years since DNO was first

awarded the license and less than 12 months since

the company announced the Tawke discovery.




Tawke # 5:


Tawke # 5 was successfully drilled as an oil

producer on the Tawke Field and is located some

1.1 km east of the Tawke # 4 well. After the well

reached total depth, the well was completed as an

oil producer and the drilling rig was released and

moved to the Tawke # 6 location some 2.7 km south-

west of Tawke # 5. Tawke # 5 was then production



At the initial stage of the test, the well was

tested for maximum flow capacity at a rate of

9,860 bopd. In order to obtain information about

the reservoir characteristics of the Tawke field,

an extended flow test at lower rates was then

undertaken of the Tawke # 5 well. The well was

flowed for several days and produced at a stable

rate of approximately 4,500 bopd during two flow



Three additional wells will now be started for

clean-up and extended flow tests, with the same

objectives as for Tawke # 5, and as part of the

preparations for the oil to be processed by the

permanent production and export facilities

installed at the Tawke Field. The duration of the

extended test campaign of the three wells is

expected to last several weeks.


In line with good oilfield practises and with

DNO`s environmental policies, flaring of oil will

be avoided during the extended testing. The oil is

therefore collected in storage tanks.



Tawke # 6:


The Tawke # 6 was initially designed as a water

injector. The well has now reached total depth,

and production testing will be undertaken of the

main Tawke producing reservoir. If movable oil at

commercial rates is confirmed, the well will be

completed as an oil producer.


If Tawke # 6 turns out as an oil well, then the

oil/water contact has yet to be defined within the

Tawke main producing reservoir. In this case a new

well will be immediately drilled further down-dip

from the Tawke # 6 location. If this well

penetrates the water zone, it will be completed as

a water injector.


Tawke # 3:


The Tawke # 3 is designed as an exploration /

appraisal well at the eastern extension of the

Tawke area. The well objectives are to penetrate

both of the oil producing intervals confirmed at

the main Tawke structure, as well as the deeper

oil bearing intervals in Tawke # 1, which were not

properly tested. The well is expected to reach

total depth during the next two weeks.


In addition, a small carrier rig will soon arrive

at the Tawke location and will be used for testing

the deeper reservoir intervals of Tawke # 1.





The Central Processing Facilities (CPF) arrived at

the Tawke area during February, and the

installation and hook-up work as well as

preparation for pre-commissioning and testing is

well progressed.


Installation of the pipeline connecting the Tawke

oil production to the main northern pipeline is

nearly completed. However, certain technical

information and issues require further

clarifications with the pipeline Operator, before

the pipeline from Tawke can be permanently tied

into the northern pipeline.


Tanks and trucking loading stations are also in

the process of being installed both at the CPF as

well as at the pipeline tie-in point. Pre-

commissioning and final testing of the first phase

of the Tawke Early Production facilities is

expected to commence within a short period of

time. This accomplishment is less than 3 years

since DNO was first awarded the license and less

than 12 months since the company announced the

Tawke discovery.


Whilst finalising the Tawke facilities, the

development wells drilled to date will be subject

to extensive flow testing and reservoir pressure

testing in order optimise future production. As

reported above the oil produced during testing is

collected in storage tanks.



Commenting on the results Managing Director Helge

Eide says:


`We are very pleased with our achievement in

Kurdistan to date. We made the Tawke oil discovery

in our first exploration well, and delivering

first oil production within less than one year

from this discovery demonstrates our capability to

undertake fast-track exploration and development


Completing the first stage of the Tawke Early

production Development will mark a new important

milestone to Kurdistan Regional Development and




29 March 2007

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  • 4 weeks later...

First tror at oljeloven kommer på plass og at DNO er i rute med produksjonsstart,

men tror at det allerede er innbakt i dagens aksjekurs. Det er jeg uenig i..


First om DNO (20/04/2007): Reduce - Target price: 10,6 NOK


Transforming from exploration play to pro-duction


We are impressed by the fast track development of the Tawke field and expect production

start up shortly. DNO will focus on production drilling in the prospective license for the

remaining part of 2007 instead of hunting for new elephants. Unfortunately, we believe a

successful start up in Iraq is already factored into the share price and we doubt that potential

predators will be willing to pay a premium to the current share price.


• DNO has managed its fast track development of the Tawke exceptionally well considering the

area where they operate. We expect a start-up of the field shortly and the new Iraqi oil law to

pass through parliament shortly. The Tawke field is probably more than twice as big as DNO

has booked so far, as we believe the shallow zones contain more oil in addition to several

prospective zones deeper down.


• The problem is that this is already factored into the share price. Also, in recent months the

company has transformed from an exploration play towards a production play mainly

concentrated on Kurdistan and encouraging drilling in Yemen. DNO has stated that they will

concentrate on production drilling in Kurdistan this year. We agree on this priority from an

operational view, even though the hunt for new elephants will be postponed until 2008.


• We have reduced the USD/NOK assumption to NOK 6.0 (-NOK 0.25), increased the short-term

oil price assumptions somewhat and updated the forward curve NAV. The net result of these

changes is a marginal reduction in NAV. In our USD 35/b long real price scenario NAV remains

unchanged at NOK 6,8/share. Our forward price based NAV however falls by NOK 0.2/share to

NOK 11.5. Transac-tion valuation of DNO stands at NOK 9.7/share.

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Følgende meldingen i forrige uke er sikkert av interesse for den langsiktige DNO-aksjonær:

"Enorme oljemengder i Irak" der DNO er på plass



"DNO til himmels på løse rykter" om at Hydro/statoil er i ferd med å kjøpe opp DNO



Rett etter at fusjon mellom Statoil og Hydros oljedivisjon ble kjent med påflgende navnediskusjon, skrev jeg at det nye norske gigantiske oljeselskap burde kjøpe opp DNO - dels for å få det mest natutlige/beste navnet på selskapet - dels for å få tilgang til noen av verdens største oljereserver.

Se ----> http://forum.hegnar.no/thread.asp?id=663354


Alle parter vil - så langt jeg kan vurdere saken - tjene mye på at DNO blir slått sammen med Hydro/Statoil.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Oslo (TDN Finans): DNO fikk et driftsresultat under net entitlement-

regnskapsføring på 2 millioner kroner i første kvartal 2007, mot et

driftsresultat på 65 millioner kroner i samme periode året før.


Det opplyser selskapet i en melding onsdag.


Det var på forhånd ventet et driftsresultat på 57 millioner kroner, ifølge

estimater innhentet av SME Direkt for TDN Finans.


Resultat før skatt ble -33 millioner kroner (-1), mens driftsinntektene

var 291 millioner kroner (415). Resultat før skatt var ventet til 25

millioner kroner av driftsinntekter på 282 millioner kroner.


Selskapet gjentar at produksjonen ved utgangen av året ventes å være 26.000

fat pr dag.

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Vi har startet løftet mot dobbling av dagens kurs.

Det har vært en glimerende dag med 6,73% opp, og de rette kjøperene og selgerene.

De fleste har sikkert fått med seg presentasjonen fra Q1.

Link: http://hugin.info/36/R/1127188/209462.pdf


Ellers er dette en flott presentasjon som slideshow:



Vi venter på oljeloven, før det endelig tar av.

Det er mange aktører som følger DNO tett, og vi skal ikke se bort fra bud !?

De 3-4 kommende månedene vil avklare mye, mitt råd er å ha en stor post i selskapet.


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Oljeloven er nok på plass i løpet av helgen. :rolleyes:

Det er bare å ta plass i DNO, se forøvrig logo for deltagende operatør selskaper og sponsorer.




Link til Iraq Oil, Gas, Petrochemical & Electricity Summit


28-30 May 2007, Dubai, UAE



Oil & Gas

• Full details of new hydrocarbon laws

• Announcement of most up-to-date geological and seismic studies

• Special announcement on Iraqi gas reserves and concession opportunities

• Drilling and exploration rights

• Refineries, oil depots, pipelines and storage tanks

• Crude oil marketing to the international community

• Details of Northern oil operations, including Kirkuk, Nineveh, Erbil and Diyalla

• Management of the 29 central and southern oil fields

• Oil refinery operations and new contract and investment opportunities

• Pumping stations and pipeline distribution

• Technological innovations for the future of Iraq’s hydrocarbon industry

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First om DNO idag:


Det Norske Oljeselskap


Reduce (Repeated) - Target 11 NOK


First Look

Full focus on Tawke in the coming months

After several months of lowering our risked NAV estimates due to dry wells and

reduction in resource potential in Yemen, Goliath field and Iraq, we have increased our

NAV twice in recent weeks with some NOK 1.5/share. Key to the upward revision is a

higher oil forward curve and the recent Tawke-3 oil find.


We still believe the production focus in Iraq leaves the risk/reward on the negative side

over the next months. We would look forward to a new exploration program for DNO’s

two blocks in Northern Iraq as potential significant company maker. Based on the current

plans this will not happen before next year.


· Short-term the key company specific events include a new reserve estimate for the Tawke

discoveries including the deeper discovery in Tawke-3. We have factored in a 75%

success probability of a 150 mb increase in reserves for the Tawke field in our NAV model.

In addition, we will look forward to the implementation of the oil law in Iraq and a potential

export license, so DNO can sell oil outside Iraq. Currently they would have to sell to the

local marked at a significant discount. Also, we would monitor the security situation in

Northern Iraq as we do not like the recent bomb attacks in the heart of the Kurdish area.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Selskapet synnligjør endelig verdiene :biggrin:


12/06-2007 08:19:00: (DNO) DNO ASA - Det Norske Oljeselskap AS targeting the number two position on NCS

DNO ASA announces its intention to carry out a private placement

towards existing shareholders and new investors followed by a

subsequent offering in its wholly owned Norwegian subsidiary Det

Norske Oljeselskap AS. The transactions will be carried out as the

first step in order to support Det Norske Oljeselskap's ambition to

become the largest Norwegian independent E&P company on the Norwegian

Continental Shelf (NCS). Det Norske Oljeselskap will immediately

after the private placement be listed over the counter (OTC) with the

intention to apply for a listing on the Oslo Stock Exchange within 12




Det Norske Oljeselskap will embark on an aggressive growth strategy

and create long term shareholder values through organic growth and

participation in the consolidation on the Norwegian Continental Shelf



Over the past years Det Norske Oljeselskap has expanded its portfolio

and strengthened its organisation with focus on Geology & Geophysics,

Reservoir & Production as well as Drilling. Furthermore the recent

structural changes in the Norwegian oil and gas industry open up for

new growth opportunities. Det Norske Oljeselskap's high potential

license portfolio combined with its strong expertise and track record

provides a solid foundation for its growth ambitions on NCS.


Det Norske Oljeselskap has an extensive drilling program scheduled

from June 2007, targeting more than 250 mmboe (net unrisked resource

potential) through 12 wells within 18 months. In addition Det Norske

Oljeselskap has a 15% share in the Goliat license, the largest oil

discovery made on NCS in more than 10 years.


Det Norske Oljeselskap intends to carry out a private placement and a

subsequent offering so that DNO ASA will retain a minimum of 80%

ownership in Det Norske Oljeselskap AS following the transaction.


The private placement, between NOK 427 million and NOK 538 million,

will be directed towards existing shareholders, and external

institutional and professional investors. The subscription price will

be set through a book-building process and minimum subscription will

be set at EUR 50,000. The subscription period in the private

placement is expected to be 13 June 2007 through 20 June 2007.


The subsequent offering will be directed at the shareholders in DNO

ASA as of 21 June 2007 ("Eligible Shareholders") that were not

invited to subscribe for shares in the private placement, subject to

restrictions set forth by certain jurisdictions.


The subsequent offering is expected to commence during August 2007

following approval of an offering prospectus by Oslo Børs.


A presentation prepared in connection with the private placement is



Det Norske Oljeselskap has retained Pareto Securities as financial

advisors in connection with the private placement and the subsequent




12 June 2007

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  • 1 month later...

Oljeloven ser ut til å la vente på seg.

Har fulgt debatter på CNN og lest endel utenlanske avis artikler som dessverre stadfester

hvor langt de forskjellige folkegruppene står fra hverandre.

Solgte 90 % av DNO aksjene nå sist fredag, resten går idag for å sikre gevinst.

Er redd for at vi skal ned igjen frem mot Q2 den 22.08. Avventer ny inngang. :sleep:




Det Norske Oljeselskap ASA announces that its

drilling activity as Operator has started on the

Norwegian Continental Shelf


Det Norske Oljeselskap ASA (`the Company`),

listed on the OTC in Oslo (ticker NOIL), have

today spudded the exploration well 24/9-8 on the

Lie prospect. The Company is the Operator and hold

a 30% interest in the license. This is the first

well to be drilled by the Bredford Dolphin rig in

the three year drilling contract the Company and

six other operators in a consortium have with


The Company received earlier this week the

approval of the Application for Consent of the

well by the Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA). The

24/9-8 well is located west of the Grane Field and

will be drilled in 123 m water depth to a TD of

2212 m MSL.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Svært så negativ FS er til DNO, men jeg har tjent mye på å følge dem tidligere. :happy:


Har en følelse av at vi skal ned på 9 tallet siden det er så mye negativt i 'pipeline'.

Vi får se, men med verden enten i eller nær ATH, har jeg av erfaring begynt å vente på en

'styrt korreksjon' slik at storaktørene rundt forbi får tatt nye posisjoner.

(Det skal ikke mye negativt til før vi raser nedover.)



In recent months Turkey has put together an army of more than

100,000 at the border towards Northern Iraq and bombed PKK positions

in the same province as DNO has its Tawke field. However, the most

critical development is the fact that Turkey seems to have become

more reluctant in granting DNO access to the pipeline as they seem to

want to link this issue up to solving the PKK guerrilla problem.

Worst case, this may take years to solve. We have reduced our

transaction NAV to NOK 10.4 (-NOK 1.1). Iraq still constitutes more

than half of our NAV. With lower takeover probability and lower NAV

we change reduce our 12m target to NOK 10.7 (-NOK 1.0).


. DNO has tried for several months to strike a deal with Turkey on

access to the pipeline through the country for its Tawke oil.

Unfortunately it seems like Turkey wants to link the pipeline access

to the PKK guerilla problem. This may take years to solve, and the

local Kurdish oil market is limited, with much lower margins than

what would be anticipated with an export solution through Turkey.


· In addition, the commander of Iraq-based Kurdish rebels PKK

recently said he believed Turkey will quickly follow its

parliamentary elections (Sunday 22 July) with a long-anticipated

offensive against his remote mountain bases. Turkey has already

bombed areas in the same province as DNO has its Tawke field last

week, and they have build up an army of more than 100,000 troops

waiting on the border.


· The DNO share price has jumped several times this year on take-over

speculations mainly due to DNO’s attractive position in Northern

Iraq. We believe potential bidders would wait until the political

tension has been reduced considerably and a pipeline agreement has

been reached with Turkey.


· Based on the increased perceived political risk we have reduced our

Transaction NAV to NOK 10.4 (-NOK 1.1) as we have reduced our

political success risk factor from 90% to 80% and reduced USD/NOK to

5.75 from 6.00. DNO still seems like the most expensive share in our

universe. As a consequence we reduce our 12m target price to NOK


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  • 2 weeks later...

Javel, og dermed er vi etablert på 9 tallet.

Usikkerhet i Irak og Q2 kan trekke oss ned på 8 tallet.

Tror vi avventer den negative trenden rundt DNO og resten av markedet.

Kansje en ny inngang er lurt i slutten av denne måneden. Vi får se. :dry:

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  • 3 weeks later...

DNO er uten tvil en høyrisikoaksje.


Helge Eide sa selv på Hegnar Online TV at de eksporterer via tankbiler og sliter med kapasiteten, noe som igjen fører til nedjustering av tallene. I tillegg er det ingen forunt å spå om de får eksporttillatelse. Uten det har de ikke noe grunnlag for å tjene gode penger. Eide ville ikke ut med prisen de solgte oljen for lokalt, men innrømmet at den naturlig nok var lavere enn markedsprisen. Antakelig er den veldig mye lavere, og ikke noe butikk i seg selv, spesielt på litt sikt.


Hegnar mente børsmelding om bud var veldig spekulativ, da det ikke var snakk om noe bindene bud, men heller en interesse. Tipper aksjen synker til uka.


Eneste håpet for gode fortjenester på aksjen er at de får tilstrekkelig kapasitet via rørledning og eksporttillatelse. Jeg tar ikke risken.

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Hentet fra HO:


DNO-sjef Helge Eide kan dokumentere bud


Administrerende direktør Helge Eide i DNO mener han kan dokumentere at det er kommet bud på virksomheten i Nord-Irak.



Ifølge DNO-sjef Helge Eide kan han dokumentere at det er kommet inn bud på selskapets virksomhet i Nord-Irak. Børsen vil få dokumentasjonen.

- Vi kommer til å gi dokumentasjon, og vi forholder oss til det først. Vi føler at vi har god dokumentasjon på dette forholdet, sier Eide til DN Energi.


Han misliker at brevet fra obligasjonseierne havnet i pressen før DNO mottok det.


- Brevet kom til pressen og til mediene før det kom til oss - det er vi overrasket over, sa Eide på en improvisert pressekonferanse i går.


Han utrykker også overraskelse over alle spørsmålene ettersom han mener ledelsen nylig har gitt en grundig presentasjon av selskapet i forbindelse med kvartalstallene.


Eide sier til Finansavisen at han ikke vil spekulere i hvem som er avsenderen av brevet til Norsk Tillitsmann. Han vil heller ikke spekulere i om noen ønsker å skade DNO.


DNO-aksjen faller 0,1 prosent til 10,49 kroner på en ellers positiv børs.

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Nyheter fra Uke 35 fra offshore.no


"Tørt for DNO i Nordsjøen

Det Norske Oljeselskap har avsluttet boring av undersøkelsesbrønn 24/9-8. Hensikten med brønnen var å påvise petroleum i nedre paleogene reservoarbergarter i det såkalte Lie-prospektet. Men brønnen var tørr, melder Oljedirektoratet.

Brønnen var den første letebrønnen i utviklingstillatelse 305, som ble tildelt i TFO 2003. Brønnen ble boret til et vertikalt dyp på 2165 meter under havflaten. Den ble avsluttet i Listaformasjonen i nedre palegoene."

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